So, who's striking today? Which Side are You On


FFS :rollseyes:

I’m sorry Noelie you are a nice guy but you use way too many words to say so little of interest about your boring little family and your dinners that interaction with you is now boring me to numbness.
Come back to me when you’re ready for a decent bit of discussion that people might stop and take notice of. Look and learn from Kevin for instance.


I don’t know fella, i was not there when she left. But considering we still talk i am assuming she would have told me of getting a belt

Sound kid. I’ll be talking to my pal in meelin next week and I’ll see if he’s heard anymore about it.

Bus drivers in Cork had a bit of a strike this morning. Over the cancellation of existing routes. That’s about all I know about it. Think they were saying it was getting back to normal around half 8

The first Purge is coming on Friday 4th of November. :slight_smile:

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That cunts living a few doors down who hasn’t taken off his Tipperary jersey since the beginning of September will be wearing a Cork one by the time I’m finished with him

Wtf has that got to do with public sector strikes?

**[quote=“artfoley, post:869, topic:7231, full:true”]

Wtf has that got to do with public sector strikes?

A Jayses Art. Have you never seen the purge?

Ah, the cop strike, twill hardly make any difference

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Good man

I’m predicting some major gangland killing on the days of the cop strike. Just to piss them off.

With no guards about, who’s going to tip the Kinahans off about the whereabouts of their latest target and guarantee their safe entry and exit from the hit.

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I believe the ERU and other specialist units will not be striking

Bottom line, this is a move by vested interests to appropriate a disproportionate part of the recovery. Budget for 2017 was approx 1.25 billion in extra spending etc. Public sector were already getting almost 300 million of this (25%). In addition they’d also benefit from the meagre tax cuts and the rest of the small amounts of additional cash for services.

However, this isn’t sufficient for some of them. They believe that they’re entitled to far more. As it’s a zero-sum game they clearly feel that their needs outstrip all others in the state.

They can fuck right off. Let them strike.


Also - they can save their crocodile tears for new entrants. They threw them under the bus originally and with 300million to play with I’m confident they could show exemplary solidarity with their younger colleagues by diverting the vast majority of that to reduce the inequality. If they’re not then they can fuck right off with their self serving whines.


That’s a blow for the Hutch’s.

I support the strikers.


The RA tried that the last time and got the shit shot out of them