So, who's striking today? Which Side are You On

I hired a water cannon for today…

Cunts are everywhere today…cracking tags by the way tipper…:smiley:

[quote=“The Runt”]Are you sure?

Was the “result” not 70%/30% in favour of strike action?[/quote]

yes it was, when the ballot was held when they were bringing in the pension levy

Ah sure that’s ridiculous!
Two people I know working in CO postitions told me at the weekend that if another days strike action is called they are leaving the union.

[quote=“The Runt”]Ah sure that’s ridiculous!
Two people I know working in CO postitions told me at the weekend that if another days strike action is called they are leaving the union.[/quote]

they have to ballot us before they can do it, no strike pay for the 2 days. and it saved the govt 1.6m in wages from CPSU members wages

we had the union rep in last week and he was torn a new arsehole

any school iv passed this morning had on average 6 to 8 persons picketing, around 10% of teaching staff id guess in most cases probably less, where are all the other pricks and why arent they at the gate?

A lot of places are doing it in shifts. So they only have to do a few hours each.

They probably on a rota, covering an hour or two per group. However Mrs Hannibal is a teacher and she and all her colleagues had finished picketing by 10am. Then again all the teachers in her school voted against the strike.

have heard similar enough stories from other teachers. voted no to the strike, when asked to picket said no, and then were told they had to on the basis of a rota.

I know of a certain forum member who told the Unions to go and fuck themselves. He knows the score.

The same guy who thought the genocide in Rwanda was a famine?

:confused: Who thought that?

The guy who wants unions done away with.

The guy who though Geroge Bush was a great leader.

Farmers have strongly criticised union leaders involved in today’s public-sector strike, claiming they are “living in cloud-cuckoo land”.

IFA president Padraig Walshe says some political and union leaders are misleading the public into believing there is a “crock of gold” in the private sector that can be tapped to meet the shortfall in the public finances.

He says the average farm income is now just 13,000 - one quarter of the average salary in the public sector.

Read more:

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]The guy who wants unions done away with.

The guy who though Geroge Bush was a great leader.[/quote]

Ah no. Sure he’s not a member anymore.

The member I refer to refuses to join a Union and is happily working away today while the heathens are outside refusing to work.

[quote=“Flano”]Ah no. Sure he’s not a member anymore.

The member I refer to refuses to join a Union and is happily working away today while the heathens are outside refusing to work.[/quote]

The Fingal Raven?

Has anyone ever been to Cloud-cuckoo land?

you pass through it on the way to Button moon…

[quote=“The Runt”]Farmers have strongly criticised union leaders involved in today’s public-sector strike, claiming they are “living in cloud-cuckoo land”.

IFA president Padraig Walshe says some political and union leaders are misleading the public into believing there is a “crock of gold” in the private sector that can be tapped to meet the shortfall in the public finances.

He says the average farm income is now just 13,000 - one quarter of the average salary in the public sector.

Read more:[/quote]

farmers are subsidized to fuck from the free state government - they should cut them as they are lazy neverdowells

getting handouts and crying the poor mouth all their lives…fcukin cunts…