So, who's striking today? Which Side are You On

The farmers are the only ones keeping the country going at the moment. They should be getting a stimulus package from the government.

they do-they get billions from the gov-

Ya, they should be given more. Especially in light of the recent bad weather. Alot of fellas winter crops are ruined.

its a pity I can’t join my colleagues in the trenches today and fighting for whats right…but unfortunately I’ve been out sick for last 3 weeks and am not back til early december…


[quote=“scumpot”]its a pity I can’t join my colleagues in the trenches today and fighting for whats right…but unfortunately I’ve been out sick for last 3 weeks and am not back til early december…


Any doctor’s cert required?

What a stupid question!!

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]Any doctor’s cert required?

What a stupid question!![/quote]

thanks farmer…hopefully i’ll pull through…

Gas seeing the public sector lads complaining about the farmers.

Talk about talking out of both sides of your mouth.

A few facts about farmers:

  • The country would be nothing without them. We are still mainly an agricultural nation.
  • The price of cattle is the same now as it was when I was a gasuin. We are talking 15 years at least without a price movement. Meanwhile, the price of foodstuffs, vets etc has gone through the roof.

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]Gas seeing the public sector lads complaining about the farmers.

Talk about talking out of both sides of your mouth.

A few facts about farmers:

  • The country would be nothing without them. We are still mainly an agricultural nation.
  • The price of cattle is the same now as it was when I was a gasuin. We are talking 15 years at least without a price movement. Meanwhile, the price of foodstuffs, vets etc has gone through the roof.[/quote]

no one is denying the importance of farmers but they get subsidized to the hilt which leads to the uneconomic practicses & a slothfulness that will take generations to shake. we could be doing so much better as a nation if the government didnt make a conscious decision to forsake the fishing industry
. they get billions from the government yet theirfarming methods are archaic & the proof of their poor standards is the constant recalls & bannings in different countries. fair enough people may have a gripe that public sector servants are angry that they are been solely targeted by an inept government but for farmers who are on the take to moan is laughable

[quote=“north county corncrake”]no one is denying the importance of farmers but they get subsidized to the hilt which leads to the uneconomic practicses & a slothfulness that will take generations to shake. we could be doing so much better as a nation if the government didnt make a conscious decision to forsake the fishing industry
. they get billions from the government yet theirfarming methods are archaic & the proof of their poor standards is the constant recalls & bannings in different countries. fair enough people may have a gripe that public sector servants are angry that they are been solely targeted by an inept government but for farmers who are on the take to moan is laughable[/quote]


[quote=“north county corncrake”]no one is denying the importance of farmers but they get subsidized to the hilt which leads to the uneconomic practicses & a slothfulness that will take generations to shake. we could be doing so much better as a nation if the government didnt make a conscious decision to forsake the fishing industry
. they get billions from the government yet theirfarming methods are archaic & the proof of their poor standards is the constant recalls & bannings in different countries. fair enough people may have a gripe that public sector servants are angry that they are been solely targeted by an inept government but for farmers who are on the take to moan is laughable[/quote]

Care to provide some figures to back that up?

Farmers =

this is just 1 scheme

6 mile queues into Newry today, the teachers and other public servants should be ashamed of themselves.

[quote=“north county corncrake”]this is just 1 scheme[/quote]

Ah you can prove anything with facts


[quote=“Flano”]Ah you can prove anything with facts



[quote=“farmerinthecity”]Gas seeing the public sector lads complaining about the farmers.

Talk about talking out of both sides of your mouth.

A few facts about farmers:

  • The country would be nothing without them. We are still mainly an agricultural nation.
  • The price of cattle is the same now as it was when I was a gasuin. We are talking 15 years at least without a price movement. Meanwhile, the price of foodstuffs, vets etc has gone through the roof.[/quote]

That’s very true. Was at home a couple of weeks ago and the aul fella was telling me some of the prices cattle were selling for. It’s fucking crazy, you’re talking 20 years where prices haven’t improved whereas the price to the consumer has risen three or four fold in the same period. If there’s profit in the beef industry it’s not the small farmers who are getting it.

I can’t understand why they don’t have to spend the whole day on the picket line. What kind of a strike lets you spend most of the day with your feet up watching the TV? Surely if they’re neither at work nor on a picket, they’re just not showing up for work?

The Runt knows the score.


a. to declare or engage in a suspension of (work) until an employer grants certain demands, such as pay increases, an improved pension plan, etc.

b. to declare or engage in a suspension of work against (a factory, employer, industry, etc.) until certain demands are met.

Fucking useless shower of cunts in Newry doing their shopping. If ever the 'RA were needed to make a few wasters ‘disappear.’