So, who's striking today? Which Side are You On

:clap: :clap: :clap: Nice to see some sense every now and again around here.

Fair enough. Not sure what you’re quoting from there but I assume it’s some kind of relevant legislation. I don’t think it looks good though. A lot of people (unemployed and working in the private sector) are angry about this strike. Seeing people put in a two-hour shift on the picket and then going home isn’t likely to change their opinions.

thanks for the dictionary work but its irrelevant, its clear that most teachers feel so strongly about this ‘cause’ that they are either on the sofa or in a queue for Newry.

You’re right on this HBV. Going to Newry for shopping is degenerate behaviour in the first place but to go on “strike” and do it. Fuck them.

Could they not have waited until their designated, paid for by the state, Christmas shopping day?

on average 75% of a farmers income comes in the letter box in handouts…running the country my bollox…

a few points HBV

  1. if people have gone to newry without picketing, you are right, it’s a disgrace

  2. the christmas shopping leave is ridiculous and from another era and should be scrapped henceforth

  3. this indymedia driven wedge between public and private sector has to stop, we all hate the govt, want rid of NAMa, want to see bankers in jail and total reform of banking sector and have a ceiling of public sector wages (including politicos) and reform of public sector, taxation and welfare

[quote=“artfoley”]a few points HBV

  1. this indymedia driven wedge between public and private sector has to stop, we all hate the govt, want rid of NAMa, want to see bankers in jail and total reform of banking sector and have a ceiling of public sector wages (including politicos) and reform of public sector, taxation and welfare[/quote]

Says who?

do you not want those things ?

i wouldnt mind that if they were ethical & produced quality food but the fact that most of the world bans their products on a regular basis suggests they are failing us

They are of no concern to me.

Sure the only way the government can afford the teachers bill is for them to pump money into the British economy, did you not study any business subjects in school:rolleyes:?


Irish food is fantastic and revered around the world. The manner in which the irish government reacted to the dioxins crisis is held up around the world as a shining example of how to maintain confidence in the quality of exports.

Well said Runt. Fooking typical of public servants to shun perfectly good Irish goods, the tax on which pay the public servant’s wages.

Everything good comes from America.
Cows come from America so therefore all Irish beef is American.

what does the term ‘Angel dust’ mean to you?..

[quote=“Flano”]Everything good comes from America.
Cows come from America so therefore all Irish beef is American.[/quote]
Yep, Argentina.

A right good night out
