Social Media "Influencers"

I love it when the influencers start posting “deep shit” ramblings, while they’re just desperate for the traffic at the same time…

Well it’s literally the way they earn a living

My life partner was showing me pre-Christmas the insta stories from an Irish influencer in the yoga/meditation/wellness SPACE. The stories were about her miscarriage devastation followed by sponsored content and a competition to win candles and bath oils or some such shite that were soothing her soul. #gift #ad

The change in tone was sublime. Tearful, barely able to express herself and then…anyone up for a competition?!


I know, it’s hilarious. Posting deep meaningful stuff while doing quite possibly one of the shallowest types of jobs going. But in the modern age, maybe no different than some footballer endorsing boots or a Ford Escort.

:eek: :eek:

Valerie looking well in her latest “reel” @Batigol

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Valerie knocking it out of the park again this evening @Batigol

Two worlds collide.

Although the whole thing is probably staged.


Utterly tragic.

Seems staged to me…


Most videos on social media are staged these days.

That’s the way it’s gone.


‘Oh you’re Jesus now are you?’ :grinning:

Be careful lads with the onlyfans payments

.*he already says I’m paranoid but I have caught him on dating sites ,messaging escorts in the past .I thought this behaviour was behind until I found these .*:face_with_monocle:

Thanks for the heads up?!

Id say @HBV is putting in a weekly small fortune to these ladies.

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Toryjane is concentrating on the wrong issue here. She needs to up her game to ensure he has no reason to stray.


@Spidey :eyes:


Couldnt be that cunt as the statement your one put up shows no flagrant spending in hoity toity restaurants or in pints and crips establishments.