Social Media "Influencers"

Shut your mouth 66



Who was the lad on here into financial domination

Was it @habanerocat

What’s financial domination when it’s at home?

This wan apparently

He’s a sick puppy that cat

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She’s lovely.
Is she loaded as well?

HRI paying to promote Cheltenham

Given the enormous fuss made about Cheltenham each year, you’d never expect Irish taxpayers’ money to be spent promoting it. Yet Horse Racing Ireland, a semi-State agency, paid TV presenter Doireann Garrihy €13,500 plus a 15 per cent agency fee last March to “increase event awareness via video views on TikTok and Instagram”.She also got €7,000 plus a 15 per cent agency fee to promote the Dublin Racing Festival, and a modest €390 to publicise the Galway Races, also apparently in need of “increased awareness”.

In reply to Catherine Murphy’s Dáil question, HRI told her that it uses “a mix of micro and macro influencers” to boost event awareness and reach new audiences through word of mouth.

“At the end of 2022, we moved to use more community-based influencers and ‘mom-influencers’ to make sure we are connecting with the right audiences,” it added.

So among those hired last autumn by HRI were content creators Ali O’Driscoll and Melissah Mullins, actor Dev Skehan, vloggers Zoe Hargan and Danielle Borthwick, and former Miss Ireland Pamela Uba.

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I can understand why they are paid to promote the Irish violence against animals festivals but what’s the rationale behind promoting an English one?


Fucking wankers


FFS. €15,000 that could have been spent on helping someone out.

Instead it goes on promoting a festival that gambling companies are already spending millions promoting.

Garrihy can fuck off with any woke campaigns she’s involved in if she’s actively encouraging people to gamble and getting paid for it.


It’s borderline criminal how much state money goes into propping up horse-racing in Ireland.


Money raised on football spent on horseracing

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And football stadiums falling in on themselves here so the horsey set can pretend they are “world class” at a sport with no world cup, world championships or any metric whatsoever to define it


Another subsidy for Rooral Ireland. Same goes for compulsory Irish.

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No surprise to see the horsey set who giving it big licks last week, skulling pints and wahooing these fuckers very very quiet here this morning.

It’s actually pretty scandalous, it’s something a decent opposition TD could take up as a crusade and make hay with.


Bizarre. Urban gaeilgoirĂŹ be fearg an domhain-ing.


There is some ‘go’ in them Garrihys. Can’t beat breeding.


Catherine Murphy is an excellent public representative