Social Media "Influencers"

That’s a bizarre take


The only GAA players speaking fluent Irish in post match interviews are Dubs.


And the horses can’t even tell us if they REALLY enjoy running around Cheltenham roared on by 1000s and a small narky jockey using the whip on them.

As d’unbelievables said “an interview will have to be done with that man. Straight away!”

She is. But she can’t speak,

Nope it’s a fact. Those McMansions in the Gaeltacht need someone to fund them.

mate they are all holiday homes, for Dubs

Nope. 10 bed McMansions with 20 kids down from Dublin forced to “learn” Irish.

I love it when you throw the tie round your head and throw on your anti Gaeilge Rambo head. Of all the conspiracies and cosy money thrown around this country you think the irish language is one of the big ones.


He hates anything to do with Ireland and Irish culture. I’m not sure if it’s because he’s a wum or if it’s due to him being American with a private school education but it’s fascinating the lengths he will go to to look down upon anything not south county Dublin in outlook.


We’re keeping the language alive ffs sake. We train GAA teams on rubby pitches. His Dublin is dead and gone.

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That’s probably why he’s so irked so… He’s being invaded.

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It’s huge. We had this discussion before and you had little to offer.

Cushy teacher jobs
Language translators
Irish college fees
Irish schools with more funding and walled off to “outsiders”

Hundreds of millions poured into a sector that for 100 years has failed to improve the language skills of the common person. It’s deliberate too, the Irish language family needs to he kept tight enough so the cushy gigs stay in their orbit.

There’s a large cohort of privileged South Dubliners in the Big Gaeilge family. Many more than Limerick.

It is primarily a means of subsidisation for rooral Ireland though still.

We had it before and you ran away when asked about this conspiracy. In what way is the conspiracy run? Who in government might be involved? Is it politicians or civil servants? In what way are the teachers jobs cushy? Are they in on it too? In what ways do irish schools have more funding? Is it more than the funding private schools get? Finally, why do you get to decide irish is worthless, when so many other people seem to value it?

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You’ll tell me why there are Irish language schools that are walled off with priority for “Irish speaking families”?

Why are they required when every primary school teacher is required to have essentially fluency in the language?

Kids from all nationalities come to Ireland now and many do not have English as their first language. Yet we do not teach through Irish despite the high requirements to become a teacher in this country.

The “lobby” come out when their special interests are threatened.

The worst thing possible for them would be considerably more people speaking the language in Ireland. It will be kept controlled into the lobby so long as possible.

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Ok breathe and tell us what you are talking about? That there is extra funding for irish language schools? How much extra funding is there? Id really like to know. I presume you do seen as you’ve said hundreds of millions. In what way is it worse or more perverse than giving extra money to private schools or deis schools? And if you could ease address my repeated questions about who is involved in this conspiracy and how it is administered. Who are the big south dublin families involved? O Higgins i presume?

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Gaeltacht Irish language schools receive extra money. There are various other grants received.

Have a look at the work and lobbying of Conradh na Gaeilge every year.

That isn’t the most egregious thing though- why are “Irish speaking families” prioritised for better funded and better Irish language teaching in schools? Why is primary education not through Irish when it is a requirement of training for teachers there?

It’s very much a them and us clique. They will let people in certainty, but it is tightly controlled. Best of luck if you’re a non national arriving into Ireland, you won’t have the chance to see how rigged elements of the education system is towards “native speakers”.

Handy and well paid gigs for the privileged few for output that nobody reads

Youre a gas man.