Social Media "Influencers"

Ah here. This is Gemma O Doherty level stuff. Hundreds of millions you said. If its gaeltacht-based who is running it? It must be at civil service level or else the long since relevant Eamon O Cuiv ? If it’s a school based conspiracy how does it work? Are gaeltacht teaxhers paid more or is under the table cash they are getting? You are extremely light on any detail and seem fixated on the irish language getting ‘extra’. There is extra funding for loads of stuff. What makes the native language the wrong thing to spend money on?

I’ve already said, look who screams loudest at any perceived change and looks for more money.

The schools receive more money, fact.

Why is there segregated schooling for the Irish language where certain families are prioritised?

There a segregated schools for many reasons
religion, wealth for boys/girls etc. Private schools have been allowed bump parents who are ex pupils up lists for entrance. What is your problem with the existence of irish language schools?? Im 100% positive kids whose parents dont have irish attend our local irish school. I know because i know the parents. Did your kid not get in and you’re angry? Why would you not have a problem with all other seperations or criteria for school entrance but be ready to go to war over irish.
Lastly, just like last time, you are completely ignoring providing explanations for any of your outlandish conspiracy theory claims. Who runs it? How is the money dished out? Who are these big Dublin families involved? How are teachers involved and where are the cushy teachers gigs?

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He’s not opposed to private schools receiving funding that’s been funneled into rubby.

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Or the recent controversy over private schools, particularly hockey schools getting extra funding to have top class pitches laid in there schools for use by private clubs

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Rugby country has long become the Gaeltacht.


I suspect more hurling sticks are on display in his immediate neighbourhood, sticks wielded by Fiachra, Aoibhinn and Tirnan.

Jesus @Tim_Riggins check this shit out.
Refused grant

Threatened legal action

Got government minister to overturn it

Cash cash cash for the privates

They should apply for a Gaeltacht grant. They’d get a new school as well.

Crokes have led the way again with their efforts to restore a bit of Gaeilge

@Tim_Riggins coukd use the cĂșpla focal to fit in with the locals

Rinne siad ar an sĂšĂč lĂ  dĂšag Ăš! Ard-bhantair amach is amach ĂČ na CrĂČcaigh.

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Ive been in Wesley plenty of times. The resources they have are ridiculous. Superb facilities. State of the art tech in all their audio/presentation equipment. Commissioned paintings of all past principals on the wall too. Dripping with wealth. Ive an extra 20c on starbars and nobody bats an eyelid.


Capital funding, what’s wrong with that?

Reality is that there is an indefensible educational apartheid system in place due to Gaelscoils. They are set up and promoted by “natives” to protect their own patch.

There has been a growing clamour amongst middle class from the outside of the cosy cabal in as they see the advantages of them. Sucks to be a non native arriving to Ireland.

Gaelscoils should be stopped.

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What point are you making here? Both Crokes and Cuala service areas larger than nearly the bottom third of county populations in Ireland.

I already said there are a few middle class parents who live the GS as they provide a big advantage. The question is why we have those schools in place when all primary school teachers are required to have a high level of Irish language.

We all know the answer, it’s to continue the cosy cabal.

What the absolute fuck? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

So nobody is being forced to learn Irish then and in fact they are demanding it and looking for it.

The rubby crowd hate the social classes changes in SoCoDu over last twenty years or so where people from traditional and modest Irish backgrounds have arrived and imposed a cultural renaissance ironically in a post code that had commandeered traditional Irish names in the 80s as exotic.

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Your man is trying to justify the eradication of Irish culture to appease migrants :rofl:

An absolute mental cunt.

The local Gaelscoil here has a number of what you call ‘non-natives’ as far as I’m aware. I don’t know the mechanics of how it works for them but I’d say the windows of your ivory tower could do with a bit of a clean

They should stop teaching French in France too. Not fair on Ukraine lads arriving.

You’ll need a constitutional amendment @Tim_Riggins


1 The Irish language as the national language is the first official language.

2 The English language is recognised as a second official language.