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It isn’t a subsidy. The parents pay taxes and receive less from the State so need to make up the difference.

In the case of GS, parents pay the same and expect a similar standard but end up in segregated schools.

It’s interesting how lads keep bringing up fee paying schools in a defensive mode. It seem they know that GS are very wrong.

In the north the GS has taken the place of the Catholic school and is ensuring society remains divided.

So why are some families afforded access to schools that teach through the national language and others aren’t?

I can’t choose where my taxes are spent. They can’t be directed to my child’s public school.

Any child can apply for a free space in a GS. Same as any primary school.

They don’t discriminate. I’ve lots of friends with no Irish who have kids in GS. They don’t exclude based on ability to pay. Try and access a private school or even go to one and stop paying and you will be removed.

You what? The fact is that fee paying schools receive substantially less funding than schools in the free sector.

What is bizarre is that within the free sector we have educational apartheid to help “natives” over “non natives”.

Bizarre. Literally a few posts ago you were saying wesley were entitled to the 150grand capital grant they got from a local politician who overturned a departmental decision. A local conspiracy literally shovelling an extra 150grand into a private school. Now you’re telling us they dont get them. You’re clean nuts on this issue.

GS promote a mono cultural and ethnic exclusionary culture

Holy mother of fuck
look at what you wrote above
 beyond mental. If only we had someone on tfk who visits over a hundred schools a year who knew what you were saying was utter horseshit
 an expert if you will.

“For a free space” - so after the “Irish speaking families”.

Why is there a preference given towards those families when it is our national language?

They should receive no funding.

You told us there are none or very few of these.

Fostering the continuance and growth of Irish is a far more legitimate aim than winning a schools rugby game.

He put money into a local facility, happens all the time with politicians.

Again you bring up fee paying schools that you seem to consider as wrong. That seems to be a defensive mechanism because you know what GS really are.

There should be no reason for GS. They exist purely to keep a culture of insiders and outsiders. They use the Trojan horse or compulsory Irish on everyone else to fund their privilege.

Not true. Most kids in them have parents who don’t speak Irish to any level or at most beyond a cĂșpla focal that anybody who was interested could learn over a weekend or two.

It’s a lot harder to find the 6k for the private fees.

Where did I say that? They’re sweet f all in the grand scheme of things.

Why do we fund hundreds of translators in the EU for stuff that isn’t read? As Brexit showed, EU documents are barely read in English let alone Irish.

The entire Irish language system in this country is designed to line the pockets of a select few.

They’re not, they’re set up to support the native language that was mostly stripped by the english. Its a big part of the national identity for lots of people. And worth supporting. Its not part of some giant conspiracy which you keep alluding to but refuse to explain.

The example of ross making sure wesley got their money is actual corruption. An actual conspiracy. They werent entitled tk it and he fixed it for them.

Now please outline the conspiracy. Specifically, how its run, where the cushy teachers jobs are, how much money it is and who the south dublin families running it are. He who shouts loudest you said. Well its you, repeating nonsense you refuse to explain.

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Wtf fuck??

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Because its part of eu legislation designed to support minority languages throughout europe of which irish is one. Which means this garilge conspiracy is actually europe wide. Fuuuuuck

Just not correct. Have a Google on the clamour for parents to open up a GS in their areas.

GS are a great new middle class wheeze to gain an advantage for their kid. The likes of Colaiste Eoin would be heavily oversubscribed. Great if your child gets in, not so great when they don’t. Handy as they don’t have to pay fees.

Reality is that nobody here can answer why primary school teachers here across the board are required to have the level of Irish they do when they don’t have to teach through it. It’s well know that even if you do one of those Irish extension course that schools will look down on qualifications from outside of Ireland. Yet for all the standards we still apparently need GS. The question is why that it for our national language. The sheer numbers of children that enter the system who cannot speak English puts paid to the idea that education can’t be through Irish for far more people.

It is a deliberately walled off system designed to entrench a privilege and unlike the fee paying system, it costs the State more money.

You’ve repeated this regularly. Who are the select few? You’ve mentioned a few big south dublin families, the seemingly ubiquitous cushy irish language teacher gigs I’d love to hear about, translators, and every bean an tì on the western seaboard. Who are these chosen few. Surely teaching through irish is more difficult if none of the kids speak it?

It was petitioned for by lobby groups, the ones I talked about. It was going to be left out.

Hundreds of well paid jobs translating things for nobody to read. God knows how many of them are in the Civil Service too.

If it wasn’t for the fact that our primary school teachers are supposed to have a very high standard of Irish as it is I’d suggest putting them to good use as teachers in the classroom.

It’s a small percentage of people who speak the language fluently and daily. There is the occasional stat out there that shows X% speaks it daily but the proof is in the pudding out there. You’ll see very little engagement in the language day to day out there apart from a few areas.

You seem to think I am against the language. What I am against is the quite clear cosy cartel going. They absolutely let new people into it but it’s tightly controlled. The end game for Irish language lobbyists is not for people to speak the language widely as that would put them out of their job.

This is a fact. The state funded pupil teacher ratio in fee paying schools is substantially higher meaning less state subvention. There is not equal funding going to both.

In the case of GS they get more funding directly from the State. In fact I’d say if you worked out the sums that GS and the lobby take a good share of the money that parents who choose to send their kids to fee paying schools save the State.