Social Media "Influencers"

Who’d have thunk that Irish is now the language of the socially upward class in SoCoDu.

Kilmacud Crokes and Cuala have driven the rubby lads demented to the extent they’ll close the private schools to stop the Gaeilscoileanna march

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Fucks sake I have to check this out

Fuck crokes, and andrews

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To be clear I am not criticising the schools because natives see the delights of their schools, away from the issues you mention.

It’s an aside realty- a critique of the modern day GSer parent.

I will criticise the Lobby/Cartel separately.

Brilliant mate. Fact is that it is less than 2% vs. 10-11% in other schools.

Why do you think Tara and Ben are avoiding the plebs in the “normal” system?

Not really. The area has grown and there are parents who see the value of it. Plenty of parents from bogville who like the GGA too no doubt.

The reality is though that both Crokes and Cuala lie in a catchment area of hundreds of thousands. They have virtually no GGA competition so have a larger catchment than the bottom third of GGA counties. I am a rugby man but in south Dublin it goes 1) association football 2) rugby football 3) golf 4) lawn tennis 5) gga football and joint 6th is shared between stick fighting and cricket.

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I’m from rural Ireland and I have absolutely no interest in horse racing. From my experience people from areas like Rathfarnham would be horse owners commonly enough and keep them in nearby stables out of the country.

Doireann has a new man apparently. A comedian. He’s in it for the long haul according to the woman herself.


What area do you class as South Dublin?

Why would you post about a Social Media Influencer in the Privileged South Dublin Private Schools vs Gaelscoils debate thread?


From the canal to donnybrook

We need a complete list of all Government spending.

Must see what Tattle have to say about this development :popcorn:

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I’ve heard of a French woman being vice-principal in an Irish speaking school in the south-east of Ireland. She learned it from scratch apparently. Not completely closed off to non-natives.

Tattle absolutely rinsing them. His penchant for *wearing chains and his baby face being ripped to shreds. I’d never heard of this Mark Mehigan fella which is probably a bad sign for his comedy career. This relationship with Doireann will elevate him significantly. He’s a shrewd operator I’d say.

*The same women probably fawned over Paul Mescall for wearing a chain in Normal People.

This is no place for facts or evidence. Please keep it anecdotal


He’s a massive socodo head. I actually find him quite funny. Podcasts were decent

Poor old Doireann is getting abuse for being too thin while Faces by Grace has a “face like a dinner plate”. A serious cut to that forum