Social Media Outrage Log Thread

Ah will you stop being so obtuse, would you not let them enjoy acute child’s first day at school.


youre hardly a polygon of virtue yourself

The amount of lads on here who use “of” when they mean “have” suggests we have our own issues to deal with.


Or even lads using the term Tour de France in somewhat inane ways.
There should be pelanties for these infringements.


Ffs sake. I forgot about that.



The crowd that run the site are making a fortune.

Only Fans Exercising, these guys have it all figured out.

I saw former England rubby player has teamed up with onlyfans to run an excerise account, thought it was strange at first

2 of them have, one a former captain no less.

The other is riding Richard and Judys young wan.

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Has anyone here been following the Irish Simpson fans wankgate? There is a spin off page dedicated to highlighting the leftie woke BS that was spoated on it.

Tell me more

It’s some pile of virtue signaling wank these days

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What happened?

Apparently one of the admins was caught having a Tommy tank in the library in UCD last year. Not sure how news spread but anyone who mentions it on the page is immediately banned. The page has asked other meme pages to do the same if it is mentioned.

There is a spin off page full of people banned off it now. The funny thing is the amount of virtue signalling that happens on ISF and if you post something against it your banned. Then for a admin to be caught wankong in public doesn’t look good for those fight toxic masculinity

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When we were in college one of the lads coop placements finished up a few weeks early. We told a few people he was sacked cause he was caught looking at child porn. It kinda grew legs from there.


We’ve all posted the odd Simpsons clip but lads who post them constantly as memes are the most unfunny boring cunts you can find.