Social Media Outrage Log Thread

I was in college during the era of forwarded emails with rogue executable files that launched the message “Pornography has been found on you PC. Please stay seated” with a blaring siren for good measure. I also fell victim during an IT lab of having my cursor changed to a penis


There’s nothing wrong with pulling the plum.

when i was working in sales back in 2000, there was a PPS called top 10 goals, but actually blared “the boss is a cunt”.

my teamleader and the CEO shared the same surname and i, of course sent it to the wrong one. in fairness he laughed about it.

CC @Funtime


Awful weirdos also using images for their avatars too


ISF is gone

They cancelled themselves?

Must have. Cancel culture will come full circle once the ones doing the cancelling get cancelled

Fake news I just found it on faceshite

The left find traitors and the right seek converts

Apparently the page is up but the “group” was banned by Facebook. Rival ISF splinter groups had started meme wars over yer man wanking. Supposedly

Only going off what is posted in the spin off page

so some fella doing simpsons meme’s was caught having a wank and this is seen as the demise of the left?

Neil Prenderville had a wank on a plane and held on to his job being a sanctimonious prick on the radio.

The internet is serious business


ISF has become some sort of rallying page for the lefterati in the last year or so.

my fucking jesus.

Bitta housecleaning id say. The most recent post is from Nov 5th

Imagine its 2021 and in Ireland we have a meme war on Facebook via the medium of the simpson

Meanwhile in Australia its the year of mad max

The proper Ra lads on here need to kneecap these wokester students sullying the brand.

I’d say a few lads parents will be answering their doors to a knock from a friendly neighbour for a quick word.

Yerman must be awfully insecure. I’d say thousands of people have had a wank in college bathrooms