Social Media Outrage Log Thread

Yes, but because he was from Cork they viewed him as a hero.

where did you go to college?


Ah the stuff the lads used send round in college.

One lad just walked out one day from the computer lab cos he couldn’t get the porn off the screen that was sent as an attachment :see_no_evil::see_no_evil:

Left his floppy disc stuck in the computer and all . Essay abandoned.

I did not

Back in the early days of the INTERNET that used to be a regular bit of joshing in the Computer Labs. A lad would walk away from his PC and leave it unlocked. You’d shuffle over, and fire up something, put the screen in sleep mode and wait for the crack to ensue.

Yerrah we were easily pleased back in the 90s.

Ah the fun that was had waiting for your picture attachment to download only for the ultimate disappointment of seeing a parasite ridden scrotum from

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I remember when I was in secondary school there was a young lad with red hair a few years below me called Simon, slightly odd. One day the news went around the school like lightning that during break time other kids had walked into the art room and found Simon having a wank. For the rest of the year every single time Simon walked into the social area or down a corridor every single kid from every year would yell out “wanker” or similar abuse. His friends all abandoned him because they were scared of getting ribbed with the same brush. He ended up just roaming the school alone looking for places to hide from everyone. His life was over. I’d say he probably never wanked in the art room, he probably just had his hand down trousers in a day dream or something, we’ve all done it.

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That’s a very sad story, it’ll haunt me for the day


It’s back

This is fairly funny mind.



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The replies :joy:

This will drive some buck ape on the INTERNET

This is funny*.

*Please don’t call me a racist.

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“Basketball Ireland committee member Mr nets”
Surely that’s a made up surname. His full name is Hilary nets :laughing:

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He’s a fool for trying to be humourous, but it’s all going in a very not-pleasant direction.