Social Media Outrage Log Thread

The court of public opinion went against him.


It’s Ireland he’ll get a rebound in some soft state number

It makes no difference to me but he must have been living under a rock for the past 5 years to attempt that, I wonder did he make it up and couldn’t resist showing off his wit? Or was it a copycat,
Either way he’s been very silly


That resignation was a slam dunk.

White men can’t jump, but they can be pushed

I doubt he made it up himself - a “black dives matter” meme was doing the rounds shortly after the game ended. Unless he was behind that too…

He would have kept his job if England won the other night which is the pretty shallow truth of it.
The Russian and Asian gambling fraternity with their overt racism and monkey emojis have had an enormous say in the discourse of the ruling woke fraternity of the British Isles over the last few days. Something wrong there.

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Bernard has had a very unfortunate career. He has fallen foul of two the most straight forward ways of getting a clown out of a top position - expenses and social media. Nobody in a top job should have either a company credit card or a social media account.


The Asian lads love a favourite.

I’ve been sentenced to DELETION from the tribetalk Galway hurling podcast Twitter.
My crime seems to have been tweeting the comment that one of the lads (who may or may not lurk here occasionally) may want to have a think about the moustache he was attempting to grow.
I greatly enjoy the podcast.
I’m a bit snollygostered tbh


Lads. He had to go

Definition of snollygoster

US dialect

: a shrewd, unprincipled personTruman and Acheson seasoned their correspondence with perceptive comments about the major figures of the day. Truman lamented that Dwight Eisenhower had given in to congressional “snollygosters”—unprincipled politicians.— Orme Wilson

Snollygostered is exactly how I feel, and it’s nothing like that.

Obviously you hit a nerve when drew down about poor @peterswellman’s pathetic facial hair.
That wasn’t cool man. Nobody likes to have their physical appearance mocked in public. There’s nothing poor @peterswellman can do about his physical appearance…
…. Well except maybe shave.



OnlyFans to ban adult material after pressure from payment processors (via @IrishTimes) OnlyFans to ban adult material after pressure from payment processors


In this day and age, paying to look at some young one’s box seems a bit strange anyway.

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