Spiders and Insects

Burn the house down

Here @anon78624367. It looks like @Fitzy nicked your old shaky camera phone.

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What? You must be joking, I’m not going near the fucking thing.

That’s a spider.

Are they poisonous?

Only on weekends.


Huntsmen would do nattin’.

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Did you kill it or just leave it be?

leave it be? for fuck sake Mac.

It’s been living in his gaff for two weeks, rent free.

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getting photographed, and sent around the world.

The most famous spider in the World*

*at least a niche on the INTERNET

You need to put.than IN the makeup

have another go at that there.

Put that
(thanks mate, good to know you’ve got my back)

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They have bigger ones in Cork FFS

Plenty snakes in Cork anyway


As contemporaneously recorded on tfk I was bitten by one of these last summer. Still have a small scar on my leg from it.

They’ve bigger spiders in Australia FYI

I took a lions mane right across the face in the galway bay swim last year. Twasnt pleasant, not at all.
My list of painkillers afterwards was :
Hot water
Vinegar (on face)
3 pints of guinness*
*felt better after these but that may have been cos the fucker was wearing off. Got stung at the start at about 10am.
Pain gradually worsened and peaked at about 5pm.
Got better then.

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