Spiritual Experiences

He lives in donnybrook.

You truly are an inspiration to me. It’s as if you can look inside my soul.

A 40 hour fast will set you right spiritually and physically. You’ll get that contentment you crave in the most rudimentary of excel spreadsheets, you don’t need the Burren.

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there is no fear of you, most of the useless cunts on here feel like that every day of the week. you have had some unbelievable highs the past few weeks… The Fleadh, buying your own place in London etc etc at least you are experiencing the highs and iv a sneaking feeling the next one is just around the corner. because thats the type of character you are.


I think I want to become a farmer, mainly growing veg, I can’t think of anything better than out sorting out a few drills of spuds

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That’s your calling. Come on home son.

Organic farming …

It has to be easier than being down in a hole digging an underground for the tans that you’ll never be able to afford to use. There’s no shame in not making it and coming home to the family with your tail between your legs. You gave it your best shot Tossy mate.


you wouldnt speak like that to a homosexual or a transexual

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he doesn’t know what a drill of spuds is

he knows fuck all the little cunt

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He wouldn’t drill spuds to a duck

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You’d make an excellent organic farmer. You’d be on a Super Valu ad walking through your beautifully kept fields within a year

i ended up drinking 7 pints of Guinness on Saturday night above in Newcastle, I only went out and drove 13 mile out in sub 1:45 at 40 years of age, shove that right up into you


Nothing worse than when you lose your speed.

Any more about the row you were in the other night

what row?

Didnt you kick the shit out of some lad a few weeks back

He did ya.

magical moment during the Birmingham Marathon today after 21 miles when a dude rocked with one of those beat boxes blaring on his back, Glen Campell’s “rhinestone cowboy” came on, when the chorus kicked in everyone spontaneously burst into song, it was fucking magic, I love humanity in moments like that

