Spiritual Experiences

This song popped out of nowhere on my Spotify shuffle play. It caught me completely off guard and Iā€™m lying here in shreds.

Imagine his mindset when he penned thisā€¦ Iā€™d say weā€™re killing ourselves with WiFi signals and shite food, sure a lad couldnā€™t even contemplate writing something like this in this day and age.

Some song.



I had sex last night that was on the edge of cosmic.

Woke up relieved, happy, drained and content. Some women have it.

It was as close to spiritual as i can get.


You sound like a man that was taken to places he didnā€™t think possible

That never happened

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Good for you mate.

Try it more regularly to avoid talking absolute pants about it though.

You used the term pants???

And i have to learn how to talk about sex?

Take a long look at yourself.

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And nothing youā€™d find on a porn site either. Just a woman thats with it.

Good man Kev a great way to stay warm during the cold nights but donā€™t scare her off now with your sexpert knowledge and previous encounters.

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Donā€™t bring ghosts into the bedroom fella. Just experience and an open mind.

My uncle told me that a long time ago.

You are only an expert with one oerson after a period of time. Its often a re-learning process with a new squeeze.

odd conversation to have with your uncle


A Tassotti-esque post :rollseyes:

16/17, riding young wans came up.

He steered me well.

Whats odd is you think thats odd.

I always get a kick out of the ordinary irish lads discomfort with talk about sex.

Ireland has only changed in a superficial way it seems

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Taking sexual advice from your uncle :nauseated_face:

I had cousins. So he knew what he was talking about



That reads all kinds of wrong. You sound like Cletus with your uncleā€™s sex talk and he must know because you have cousins! :rofl:



Ah jayses Kev. Every so often you put a few posts together that make you seem a bit normal. But then you blot your copybook on a day like today.

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