Spotify and other music streaming services

Youā€™re taking my comments very personally. My market cap comments preceded my comments on Rogan, this thread is not the Joe Rogan thread therefore Iā€™m commenting on Spotify.
I didnā€™t blame Joe for the current share price my comments relate to how itā€™s an unfortunate time for Spotify to be caught up in the culture wars and I think it will be a difficult navigation for the current CEO given the horse heā€™s hitched vs the woke Twitter mob.

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Is the loss in value not in line with other tech stock plummeting? Isnā€™t Netflix apple and Google all significantly down lately too?

They all had a massive surge at the start of covid

Do the anti woke use twitter at all? Itā€™s always the woke crew on Twitter? The antis seem to put down a lot of time reading the views of the opposition, it must be maddening for them :man_shrugging:

Not taking it personal at all, just pointing out the loss of market cap is nothing to do with the past two weeks flap. Youā€™ve connected the two when in reality they are not related.

Canā€™t see the loss of Joni Mitchell or Neil Yoing allied with perceived culture war position in this particular media cycle moving the dial for them either way.


No beef - Please re read

  • on the flip Spotify will have customers signing up simply because they have exclusive content (Joe Rogan)*

The self styled anti-woke lads here spend far more time on Twitter than anybody. Trawling, scouring the thing to find tweets that annoy them, scouring the thing for one person who says something stupid and then desperately trying to vilify the entire spectrum of what could be vaguely described as progressive politics based on this.

The confirmation bias these lads desperately seek to affirm, and the safe spaces they retreat into - they never debate, they nod like donkeys at each other - is hilarious.

It must be a very unhealthy mental space to be in.

Their next gig is the grave.

I love Joni Mitchell, I like Neil Young but Iā€™d never listen to him, but Iā€™d miss Joni, thereā€™s a few songs that Iā€™d listen to a bit.

I wonder whoā€™s next though? Thereā€™ll be more

Harry and Meghan were spouting off today via a spokesperson but they love the $$$ too much so didnā€™t tell Spotify to stuff it

(They supposedly have an $18m deal w Spotify)

Mate, genuinely, I thought you were Andrew Flood in real life at one stage when I saw you putting up some tweets of his and said everyone knew who you were. Its only later on it dawned on me that that wasnā€™t the case.

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I donā€™t really know what youā€™re trying to get at but it doesnā€™t address anything I wrote in my post.


Crosby Stills and Nash gone now. There wonā€™t be a geriatric hippy left on Spotify.

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Joe Rogan is bigger than all of them

A bad beat for @glenshane @Thomas_Brady and the lads

Thatā€™s cute. Is it possible that on some occasions heā€™s talking about vaccines in general, while on others heā€™s talking about a specific vaccine? I dunno. Youā€™re smarter than me, you work it our

The story of OJā€¦. Sort of

This is excellent by Trevor Noah.
