
You said he was “ranting”, “raving” and “a lunatic”.

There is somebody who is swinging wildly alright. Have you worked out who it is yet?

Yes. @gilgamboa … I just said it. :roll_eyes:

You still haven’t worked it out.


Do you even know what you’re arguing? Joe has you lads so wound up you don’t know whether youre coming or going.

The ladz are doing a great job of proving me correct.

It’s early in the day so I’ll lay off you, this is too easy. I think you need the space to get your head together, to be honest.

On this I went hiking in Howth yesterday and listened to the final 2 hours of the JP podcast. It could really do with being split into chapters. Some bits are absolutely excellent, others drag on like hell.

That’s a no so.

You lads need to take a few deep breaths before typing . Joe has you rightly triggered.

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I’m literally shaking

More lies from the anti Joe crowd… They’re incandescent with rage. Look at @Cheasty and @gilgamboa here … Despite repeated posts and discussion on Joe Rogan that they’ve been replying to, they both think Joe offers a self help podcast :grinning:

They’re so incredulous it has made them irrational and unable to grasp basic concepts and bits of information.

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Peterson has gone full Gemma since he made the big time

See also Ewan. Some lads can’t handle the bit of attention.
I agree with the far right on two things now though covid and Joe Rogan is a decent interviewer. I’ve yet to be convinced on the rest but I won’t rule it out as I get older.

Another 15 minutes down,
You’d need to be taking notes really, it’s so all over the shop, I guess that’s the ‘beauty’ of a four hour interview, no need for structure or limitations.
We’ve just had Peterson bullshitting about rat/cocaine and monkey/alcohol studies, Rogan has shot him down but he’s been far too soft leaving Peterson with crumbs to satisfy his ego, he really needs to be a bit more forceful here (Rogan), is he worried JP will walk out?
I’m not sure if Peterson has made a single sensible or notable contribution in the first hour, but he’s made many mistakes (lies??)
So far Rogan 8/10
Peterson 1/10

Can’t understand what you guys see on n JP but he might redeem himself, it’s a very interesting conversation I have to say

There’s a bit coming up where he starts having an emotional breakdown talking about music but comes across as a fierce nerdy cunt. I left it off at that point

He’s a wrestling commentator. I lost interest in wrestling when I was 7

Tisnt so long ago you were singing come by ah here and saying different opinions were welcomed and now I can’t have a contrary view on a wrestling commentator :man_shrugging:

I’m not anti Joe. I just have no interest in wrestling commentators and think it’s odd that a fella would be taking life coaching advice from him

But you do you

The incels on the forum will be seething.

What’s an incel