Spotify and other music streaming services

Thatā€™s the sort of defeatist talk we here from a lad when his likes ratio has fallen through the floor. Itā€™s all about perception. Youā€™re nothing on tfk without likes and the On a Roll badge to show for it.

Thatā€™s a fair point.

Iā€™ve s few things to reconsider here.

You didnā€™t move, the spectrum did

Whoā€™s talking medical advice from him no more than you take medical advice from Claire Byrne.

Heā€™s a host of a podcast and chats to people. Iā€™ve listened to a handful of episodes.

Lads get awfully threatened by Rogan and Peterson. Every single time. You had a dimwit above comparing them to Hitler :joy:


Whatā€™s the missing tile ?


Fire up where I said I was a fan.

why does Joe Rogan get wokists so triggered?

They hate it being pointed out that they are absolute cunts


I think Rogan is an honest idiot.

What I canā€™t abide by is the idea that is audience canā€™t make informed decisions by themselves.

The anger with Rogan generally appears to be that he attracts young males to his platform.

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And we all know men are murdering rapists unless they get a talking to by a woman


I listened to the first hour of the Joe Rogan Jordan peterson thing and I certainly canā€™t see what all the fuss is about from either side. Heā€™s basically blind boy with a Canadian accent and without even his small bit of humour. Has some interesting enough theories but waffling away for most of it. Joe Rogan seems decent tho as an interviewer and isnā€™t afraid to press him on something if heā€™s being vague and scuttery. Canā€™t see any reason why Peterson would be so popular or unpopular.
The bit just on the hour mark where heā€™s talking about music is very odd. Heā€™s talking absolute ring in a very nerdy way and almost crying. If blind boy did it heā€™d get completely lambasted.


Who in their right fucking mind is spending 4 hours listening to the Joe Rogan podcast? By definition youā€™re an idiot for listening to that, no matter what heā€™s saying or who heā€™s got on.

In the time it takes to listen to 2 episodes of the Joe Rogan podcast you could read the whole of The Sun Also Rises or The Heart of the Matter or Mansfield Park. And then you wonder why people think youā€™re an idiot. How can they think youā€™re an idiot when they havenā€™t spent 8 hours listening to the Joe Rogan Podcast like you have!?

I have nothing against Peterson or Rogan but I donā€™t take either of them seriously. I read Petersonā€™s book, it was shite, I wonā€™t listen to this. But Iā€™m glad heā€™s got his health back.

How long did the Sermon on the Mount take, about 15 minutes?


You can listen to 15 minute segment you know, dip in and out, you donā€™t have to lie there in a white vestment on the ground, awestruck. These fuckwits who can make pronouncements based on a 1 minute youtube clip taken out of context crack me up

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Everyone except white males are a protected grouping these days, white males are the enemy


People should read more books no doubt but Iā€™d wager more hours are lost binge watching shite on Netflix

Audiobooks and podcasts are great to have on for travel, walking and in background when working.

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or getting outraged on twitter

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Depends what youā€™re binge watching. Is Joe Rogan better than Seinfeld?

Lads thinking people are locking themselves into rooms for 4hrs listening to podcasts :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:ā€¦ These people are incredibly stupid.


I spend too much time on here too