St Patrick's Day

How ye lads


At work here protecting the nation by making sure all incoming visitors (and variants) have the correct forms filled out. Have a good day my e-chums


Spolier that FFS

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I know but sure it’s better than naught

Mouldy looking

proper scoops


Proper would have been three pints of Guinness!


I’d say hes a cheap fucker

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Are you and Mike in the same pub?

Who’s Mike?

Happy St Patricks Day.


Any plans Fagan?

Just back from a cycle to Howth to get the fish and I’m going to take the dogs down the beach now. Might have another walk later and I’ll put the feet up and watch the racing for the afternoon. I’m dressed from head to toe in green, nothing garish though.

I’ve a bit of sowing to do as well, spuds, beans, peas but I’ll wait a day or two and make sure the frost is gone for the year.

What about yourself Mike? You going to the parade?


Mammy sings wonderfully…

No Fagan, no.plans. I’ve an awful headcold and am feeling very fluey. Did a test but all is good. Had planned on taking the family and the mother in law out for a bit of lunch. Ill let them off by themselves. Ill fire a chicken in the oven and watch an aul film later

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Mrs Croppy is away on work so I’m taking my two little mentallers to the parade with her folks later and out to dinner in theirs after. Should be right craic.

Once we’re home and they’re in bed I’ll pour myself a Red Breast.

The 18-year-old is off on his first pub crawl/all-day session today already. That age group have a lot of catching up to do.


He’ll be as full as a u boat by 4pm

He’s way too sensible, and tight :rofl::rofl:.

Didn’t get that off us anyhow.

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My life partner is working today (& tomorrow & Saturday & Sunday) and my plans to go to Wexford to avail of hospitality at my auld pair’s house were scuppered yesterday when they both tested positive for COVID-19. Instead of travelling to the south east this morning, we had a couple of hours in the playground locally.

The youngest is napping now so I’ve just switched on the parade coverage on RTE 1. It really is brutal. Harmless obviously but brutal with Des Cahill’s inane commentary accompaniment.

We’ll also miss the Wexford hurling team open training session and player meet & greet tomorrow morning. I’ll just be wandering around parks and playgrounds in a zombified state for the next 4 days. Happy St Patrick’s Day. Roll on Monday. :tada::ireland::shamrock:


If you leave it in there ticking over, don’t complain about the consequences.