Staycation - Limerick's hard on for anything Kerry

They are in planning on wan on the old Caherciveen rail line at the moment which would apparently be spectacular altogether.

I suppose it should be pointed out that it’s ridiculously short term thinking to tar over a disused rail line between Limerick and Tralee which should by rights have been restored as a rail line given it connected Limerick city with the counties second largest town NCW, and with Kerry’s largest Tralee and third largest Listowel, along with Abbeyfeale, Rathkeale and Adare.


They cant fill the train from cork and limerick to dublin

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Wait for the WFH revolution. It’ll be busy every Thursday and Friday with those who have to show up once a week in the big schmoke.

I have an uncle down there Kilmorna/Duagh direction with a 200 acre farm. The scenery down there where the greenway will be traversing through his land is something else. He’ll have a horsebox selling skinny lattes and protein balls in no time.


I think it was the Duagh farmers that have the whole thing held up :grinning:

Anyone I ever met from Duagh was at least half-cracked

Yeah that sounds right. I know he was trying to make peace/bargain with one fella who was holding the whole thing up. Same fella still bitter on missing out on the Kerry Co op action many moons ago.

Jaysus you’d be sour. They are millionaires now

My father is determined to sell a block of the old Co-op shares (worth about 5x Kerry Group shares) and buy a new car that will lose half its value once it leaves the showroom :man_facepalming:

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Has he got the ordinary shares? Tell him not to sell the CO-Op ones anyway fellas are getting robbed selling them

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He’s only got a few hundreds worth of the Ordinary shares. The Co-Op shares are worth around €600 each based off the figures quoted for redemptions in 2019. There was another redemption offer this year which now seems to have closed. Hopefully he didn’t sell unbeknownst to me.

There’s no proper market in them, the only fellas buying them are buying them for cheap, because to be fair why would you buy them instead of normal shares otherwise.

Redemptions are different. That should be fair enough

Saw a fella cycling it just outside NCW bound for Abbeyfeale on Monday.

Was wondering if it was just a cycle lane for those to keep off that accident prone stretch of road

Lovely land around Duagh. Great views into the village from Listowel direction

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Fellas will be cycling to the listowel races. Back to the 1950s

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Eamonn Ryan will have them all back on their bicycles and then he’ll ban horse racing when they are half way back the road

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An iconic brand :heart_eyes:


I wouldn’t be into coffee at all but a lot of people who are, swear by it.

Some competition between My Boy Blue and Bean in Dingle for the coffee market down there.