Staycation - Limerick's hard on for anything Kerry

I was in ballybunion for a week from 12th -19th and it was glorious.

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I’m going buying a dry robe for drinking. It’s the future


A wet robe for the wet pubs.

4 star hotel booked in central north Donegal for a few nights towards the end of July.

Looking forward to it. Gives us a few options re beaches etc. Decent value too.

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Having a chicken roll here on a bench in caherconlish, the chicken has that tenderness about it that suggests it was raised in 17 days in a dark hole in Northern Thailand.

Some poor cunt dropped his 99 and the crows are picking away at it here. The drivers are consious of the crows and are swerving around it dangerously to avoid hitting the crows.

We’re up and running lads.


What has you in the general Mitchelstown area?

By God Mitchelstown AND Caherconlish, and to think there’s fellas on here complaining that we can’t go abroad.


Sure you’ve the caves obviously, then there is the donkey sanctuary and sure the Glen of Aherlow is only a stones throw. What more could a lad want?

Donkey sanctuary been closed since the start of Covid my friend

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so have the caves

I have people in Caherconlish

Do they help you circle the wagons?


Was up around mount Mellery today. Walked that pilgrimage thing a bit of a ways.

We have self circling wagons now. Bluetooth enabled.

Added bonus of Dave the headcase cooking your breakfast

His ma unfortunately passed couple weeks back so not sure what way the b&b is

Spent the afternoon in Ballyrisode Beach. Perfect for the kids. Bantry, Schull and surrounds were in savage splendor today.


@peddlerscross is an actual place! Who knew

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I know it well there on the way to Clonakilty.

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Next you’ll reveal kinvara is a place


West Limerick is THE place to be this summer

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