Staycation - Limerick's hard on for anything Kerry

No such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes :wink:

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I was poorly prepared alright.

I did that. Was interesting. I enjoyed it.

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A lot of B&B’s down there aren’t opening at all this year.

I’d be close to a family down there who run a lovely B&B just outside the town but they have been closed since March 2020.

Their hearts just aren’t in it anymore.

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On the ferry now. Sunrise at 5am from the parents home.


Looking into renting a cottage in South Kerry or West Cork for a week in September. A few decent options for around €450. Handy to have your own cooking facilities to minimise getting fleeced by the yerras.


I’m delighted to hear this as I was worried a week in Sneem in August would be uncomfortably mobbed.

I went out for a few pints on Thursday night with a t-shirt and one of those O’Neills windcheater tops in case a few auld drops of rain fell. I was shivering like a leaf for a finish.

My car is broke down here so I’ll just stay in Sneem forever


A house is the only way to go I think if it’s for a week. A hotel is nice for a few nights but you’d be sick of it after a while.
I think places are priced on expected demand rather than actual demand at the moment. If the expected pick up in summer tourism doesn’t materialise there will be a lot of places going cheap come August and there will be a lot of tourism business finished for good

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Hotel more in demand too because people are able to stay indoors and have a drink/meal for the night.

Yes people want either the privacy of a house or the facilities of a hotel. B&B falls between two stools in Covid land

You can say what you want about the Yerrahs, but the service is off the charts.

They know how to play the game.

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Iv said it here before. Heatons b and b in dingle is better than vast majority of hotels in this country


Some breakfast there

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Kerry/West Cork was a wash with sunshine for most of today. From the top of Healy Pass about 10am this morning.


That’s a fabulous photo.

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It was a lovely decent to the bottom on the bike.

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Sure you’d be insane to go anywhere else


Eejits like you clearly never watched the Claire Byrne Live segment last year with mountaineer and adventurer Pat Falvey where Pat told us how to dress properly for sitting outside pubs and restaurants.