Staycation - Limerick's hard on for anything Kerry

An initiative from the Covid era that has proven such a hit with our protestant brothers and sisters that it has been continued even after all worshipping restrictions have been lifted. Iv never been but expect itā€™s similar to the drive-in movies of the US, though probably with fewer steamy windows.


We went to Gosford Park yesterday and I noticed theyā€™d a drive in one around Markethill as well.

@Bandage the DkIT car park was hosting one there for a while. I went by it one evening. Proper fire and brimstone free presbyterian stuff

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Yeah the drive in religious stuff brought to mind those US dramas like True Detective & Ozark where youā€™d have some preacher in Louisiana or somewhere delivering a sermon from a boat or a field.

@caulifloweredneanderthal we went to Fitzpatrickā€™s because my life partner remembered it as a decent spot from a decade ago. She was congratulating herself for her choice but Iā€™ll tell her it changed ownership & it was just pure luck on her behalf. Itā€™s one of those spots with potted plants, hanging baskets, signs (Belfast that way, New York that way etc), framed pictures, all manner of tacky shite hanging off the walls but I could see how itā€™d be a popular tourist stop off. It was packed with muldoon locals too so seems to be doing well. It might be worth another visit for your Sunday lunch.

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Yeah, thereā€™s a story there alright. Fitzpatrick went bust. Owed a lot of money to revenue. The place was closed down for a while in 2018.
Some crowd bought him out but kept him and the son on but he still treated it as he owned it, they ousted him, and I think the poor divilā€™s nerves got to him. As far as I know, the son is still there and I donā€™t think there have been any changes. It does a good trade. I only ate there a handful of times



Did you get a bowl of chips and a toastie? Or would you be more of a smoked salmon on brown bread man

You should tell him you know me. I paid for that extension.

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Through drinking or gambling?

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I remember being in Cheltenham in 2017 with paudie. He bet labaik because a dingle man was on board. I was on melon. We went our separate ways after that.

Next time I sent him a bet was 2020 Iā€™d say. I was on the way to Murphys when I sent word for giorini Felicia. Heā€™d no coverage so didnā€™t get the bet.

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The kids had ice cream and we had Taytos :yum:

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Itā€™s a pity really the place has gotten so popular for the likes of me but from October to march when itā€™s windy and rainy there is no other place on the planet Iā€™d rather drink pints of guiness.

You could meet anybody in there too.


Significant topsoil slide

Was in Galway the other day for a meeting which finished early so I went on a bit of a walkabout. First the city was heaving. Lots of yanks over before the football game going by the amount of Norte Dame/Navy gear on show. Went a little bit beyond the Spanish Arch and found a super walkway which passed by a club house for Galway Rovers which I never heard of before. I did a double check thinking it should be Rowers but no it was definitely Rovers so someone might enlighten me. Walked on in the direction of Salthill and came across a causeway built out to Mutton Island. Lovely walk, stiff sea breeze which cleared the senses. Walked back into the pitch, turned around and back into the city centre. Totally different vibe to Limerick and I think the tourist numbers are the reason.No scobes on scooters, lively atmosphere esp on Shop Street as you would expect. Itā€™s been years since I was in the city centre, normally up for a match and home but will definitely be heading back there soon. Limericks profile abroad must be non existent Iā€™d say.

There would be no comparison Iā€™d say, Galway is probably the biggest destination outside of Dublin for tourists. Iā€™d imagine a fair whack of those are using the city as a base for the West, e.g., Conemara, Aran Islands, the Burren in a way Limerick wouldnā€™t be for West Clare & Kerry. But Galway City itself would have a name for music, pubs craic etc that Limerick wouldnā€™t.

Galway would be a lot more compact than Limerick as well which would help the vibe.

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Two horsies



Preggers horsey on the right?

locky just had the snip

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Overseas visitors and spend by county (2017)

  1. Dublin: 5,936,000 (ā‚¬1981m)
  2. Galway: 1,673,000 (ā‚¬589m)
  3. Cork: 1,600,000 (ā‚¬631m)
  4. Kerry: 1,277,000 (ā‚¬337m)
  5. Clare: 749,000 (ā‚¬158m)
  6. Limerick: 647,000 (ā‚¬261m)
  7. Mayo: 324,000 (ā‚¬78m)
  8. Kilkenny: 315,000 (ā‚¬55m)
  9. Wicklow: 275,000 (ā‚¬73m)
  10. Donegal: 255,000 (ā‚¬82m)
  11. Waterford: 255,000 (ā‚¬69m)
  12. Wexford: 232,000 (ā‚¬61m)
  13. Kildare: 211,000 (ā‚¬91m)
  14. Tipperary (N&S): 192,000 (ā‚¬88m)
  15. Sligo: 173,000 (ā‚¬45m)
  16. Louth: 172,000 (ā‚¬55m)
  17. Meath: 162,000 (ā‚¬44m)
  18. Cavan: 107,000 (ā‚¬48m)
  19. Westmeath: 103,000 (ā‚¬46m)
  20. Carlow: 79,000 (ā‚¬45m)
  21. Monaghan: 60,000 (ā‚¬25m)
  22. Roscommon: 54,000 (ā‚¬27m)
  23. Offaly: 52,000 (ā‚¬16m)
  24. Laois: 43,000 (ā‚¬14m)
  25. Leitrim: 41,000 (ā‚¬18m)
  26. Longford: 24,000 (ā‚¬10m)

Couldnā€™t see more recent figures