Staycation - Limerick's hard on for anything Kerry

No protest today, though the hotel is clearly occupied
A (black)man of military age just came out :open_mouth:
They have a lovely view of this stunning viaduct

There is a Waterstones in Drogheda :+1:

I’ve seen the head, there was some lunatic doing an elaborate prayer ritual which involved lots of walking around in circles which delayed me, the head itself is underwhelming but the door of the cell is very nice.

There’s not much to Drogheda

I haven’t been to Drogheda in 20 years. I just saw an open goal for a few likes and took it

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I was above in Drogheda for a funeral last week. It’s a fair big town now.

Thats the only reason I’ve ever been to Drogheda either.

Yeah, I’m getting out of it now and won’t hurry back
I spent a fair part of the day in the library reading poetry

Ever book a trip for the night away with your missus, you tell your mate, and they want to come?

He’s no mate :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Wtf…only one explanation available here and it involves a swordfight

Got vexed, wrote it here, rang him and laid down the law. Told him to bring his missus, or don’t go.

He’s a good lad. But his missus is pregnant and he’s trying to get in pints before it all begins I think.

Tell him this isn’t the time or the place. Your woman ready for a dirty weekend in a hotel and yer man ordering shots down the bar for you.


Pretty much said that. Doing both with hurling. Fuck em, time and place.

Would need to know the quality of porter available before making the choice between mate or missus.

Kilkenny city.

Tough call. Pints like.

Tell him to get fucked.

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Would you consider leaving the missus at home?


The match will probably be moved to Wexford anyway…

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What’s the front door bar like pal? Staying on John Street Sat night.

Sweet jesus