Staycation - Limerick's hard on for anything Kerry

Go on with recommendations so, I’m easy. I’ve never stayed up there.

Email Rocko to delete your account immediately

Never heard of it and I was never in the Front Room Bar if that’s the one you mean?
You won’t be stuck for choice on John’s Street. Loads of bars and one as good as the other.

Lenehan’s, a little further up and left at the roundabout would be my recommendation. A grand quiet spot away for the Stags and Hens.

Irishtown is also walkable and has plenty of good bars and should be a bit quieter. Cleers stands out from memory. @Malarkey recommended the Nore Bar, a bit further again, but I’ve never been there. It’s on my list.

The Front Room bar is grand, it’s one of the newer pubs on John St. The owners have this mad B & B which looks like a regular two story street front house from the outside but extends way out the back. They literally made the bar out of their front sitting room.
If you are staying there, the carpark entrance is very tight, it’s just a little archway on the street. The owners are more rugby people but that being said, it is Kilkenny.
There are plenty of bars on John St., I’d imagine you are youngish so Billy Byrnes at the top of John St. might suit.
If you are with a crowd, groups tend to stick to Matt’s, Biddys, Langtons, Paris Texas and The Left Bank etc. Brogans, on John St. was briefly popular as the going “out, out” spot but seems to be on its last legs these days. I think it only opens 3 nights a week now

I’m old so I favour Cleeres on Parliament St. or Andy Ryan’s on Friary St.
Both are nice bars, have a good mix and will be lively .
O’Riada’s and Lenehans are gorgeous bars and are for pints
Kilkenny is small, you will find everything easily

NB : If you are travelling with a female companion, you should note that they dress up going out on Saturday nights in Kilkenny


He might be bringing a friend.

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Herself will be dressed up (dressed down?) in the bedroom waiting for @Pirlo to get back from his pub crawl with his mate.

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She’d be as well download tinder

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Cheers pal, yeah you’re right, Front Room Bar :+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2:

Cheers pal :+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2:


Cheers brother :+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2:

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I had always wondered who owned that house. It’s some job with the tennis court and in door swimming pool. Who has it now?

It’s a fucking monstrosity on the landscape


It doesn’t look so bad really from the road tbh. You wouldn’t really notice it anyway.

Cold enough spot in the winter.

Christ, that’s awful looking, god bless her.

Any tips for Achill lads?

Rest. Try to stay off it. Let the swelling go down, and then try some light stretching. Push gentle to start off, but then go a little bit more each day.

Soak it in fennel tea as well if you have some to hand.

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Book your dinner if you’re eating out, there ain’t a million places and it gets busy.

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I’m sure it has central heating

Bring good weather with you.

Greenway is good.
Keem beach is class.
Other than that is just general scenery, walking etc.

Nice place