Staycation - Limerick's hard on for anything Kerry

Ar Bia Mara seafood truck at Keel is worth the trip alone


Cheers boss :+1:t2: sounds good to me.

When you going boss? Keep me posted on stuff. Heading there for a week in a few weeks.

We’re heading to Westport camping for a few days from the end of next week. Will hit Achill in the unlikely event we get some warm weather


Staying in Achill Seal Caves Caravan park over by Dugort from this evening through till Sunday. I’ll through up a bit of info there on Sunday if not before :+1:t2:


Not much over in Dugort bar the beach, but only 10 mins to Keel.

Definitely hit bia na mara foodtruck in keel, and pizza’s from pure magic were good.

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Seen that alright… Ah wouldn’t mind that.

Have considered that spot ourselves a few times . Let us know how you go. The site at Keel looks way too exposed for my liking if the weather turned.

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I will indeed.

Westport house?

Yip, grand site.

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Me too. First man to pm a photo of the other wins the @Bandage stalker of the year trophy.

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Anyone recommend a decent boozer in Caherciveen?

If you not looking for food just somewhere to watch the football then mike murtys…sheebem or the harp…no shortage of pubs back there

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Thanks! Not tonight I’m going. A night away with the wife in August. Boat rib tour that morning. A good casual grub spot would be good too?

I think i watched a game in that Mike Murts before, proper authentic old style boozer. A nice mix of tradition and dinge. Maybe not the best for a night with the wife and I doubt they do food.


Craneen or the ferta …
Also a Quinlan’s seafood resteraunt there that is v good…spent a week behind there last year a much underrated town IMO

Achill, beautiful part of the world with great people. Stayed in Doogort, which is north of the island. Basically all Doogort has is a beach, hotel and a camping site for both campers and tents alike. The beach was full of harmless jellyfish, and the hotel didn’t look like there was much craic too it. Lovely scenery though with Slievemore overlooking the whole area.
Lovely pub restaurant called ‘Gielthy’s’ in Keem village. Me and the missus went there for a bit of food on Friday. Very reasonably priced. Was informed by one of the locals that Darren Fletcher of Manchester United fame, his paternal home is next door, and visits a fair bit.
Keem has a lovely beach (first pic) which didn’t have any jellyfish. Apparently they were sweeping in from the North of the lsland, so if you want to go swimming, head for Keel or Keem.
Keel is where all the craic is. The rest of the island, the pubs appear to close about 11:30/12:00. Was informed that ‘The Amethyst’ and ‘The Annexe’ are the liveliest, opening till about 2:30 (mind you, this was a Saturday I was informed by barman).
If you’re wanting to go on one of the wildlife rib tours, I’d highly advise to book in advance. Get the chance to see dolphins and whales and I’m sure whatever else the North Atlantic has to offer. You’d get things like mini golf, a golf course with a load of sheep on it in tea of activities… Not a whole lot in terms of that. Bar the aquarium and visitor centre in Keel. We didn’t visit (nothing can possibly beat the aquarium in Dingle sure). We went kayaking though in Keel in the lake through a small business called ‘Surf le Tomas’. He only charged €15 each for an hour, but let us get on with it for 2 hours, in fairness to the man.
Because we didn’t book the wildlife tour, we drove the 50 mins to Westport, where we got on a 90 minute cruise of Clew Bay, that was nice for all of the €19 we paid.
Other notes would be would advise to just go for a spin around the island. We drove up to the highest point to drive on the island, Minaun Heights. (I took the second picture from there).

The scenery stunning, people gentle and sound. Lovely part of the country.


Mayo is a great county.


Just a pity about the road to it… Jesus christ…