Staycation - Limerick's hard on for anything Kerry

Itā€™s east West Cork.

Mid mid West Cork?

Was actually in Clonakilty area as our base yes. Some great beaches around there and things to do with kids. We went to Skibbereen one day and actually thought it was a big letdown, I donā€™t know what I was expecting but I thought it was supposed to be quite a buzzy up and coming place, but seemed far from it. Clonakilty is a great town in itself but youā€™re not going to hang around there for the week inside the town itself. We spent a lot of time doing things along the coast drive. I was sorry we didnā€™t make it to Schull but maybe next time, we were limited with two small kids. We were in Castletownbere on another holiday which was great but that was before the kids came along, I donā€™t think itā€™s the best area with two small ones.

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There is very little to do in the town of Skibereen but itā€™s a short hop to some great destinations, thereā€™s a little caravan park there that weā€™ve used as a base and itā€™s perfect

Itā€™s west cork once youā€™ve gone under the viaduct


Clonakilty considers itself an independent Republic within the country of Cork. Like the Vatican with none of the tradition or history.


It has the best supermarket in the country

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Clon are footballing and freedom fighting royalty :facepunch:

A bit odd as Iā€™d say dingle is on for one of its busiest summers.

Kenmare is a extremely nice spot tbf.

That fella is always pissing and moaning I wouldnā€™t pay him any heed

I dunno how anybody can run a restaurant. It must be one of the worst things in the world to run.

Yeah but is he wrong or right.

Iā€™d say places in your per ā‚¬30 - 40 main course bracket are getting hit. The standard of the mid tier food offerings has improved a lot and i think people are as happy to go for a ā‚¬20 main course in a good food pub.


No clue but the weather has been awful and without the weather itā€™s not really a place to visit.

Ireland is a fucking rip off for what you get. 7 euro a pint of Guinness in Shannon airport.
Had a litre of ale last night in Budapest for 3.50


Whatā€™s his over arching point? Is he blaming covid or something? Heā€™s a ferocious negative ninny. Heā€™s surely in the type of business youā€™d be better talking things up even if you were lying. People are far more likely to go out if they feel everyone else is and thereā€™s a positive feeling around the place

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In fairness our wages are probably twice theirs but it must be a killer for tourists

Iā€™m not sure cheap liqour would be good for Ireland anyway.

We must have the strictest closing hours as well.

Come work for me and Iā€™ll pay you Hungarian wages

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