Stephen Nolan, Wexford Hurler

[quote=“myboyblue”]The “men” of Ireland who take up this offer should be truly ashamed of themselves. Perhaps a recession will cure a lot of this.

Small mercies. I can only imagine going home to tell my father I would be setting up this kind of business. He would disown me, and rightly so.

I wonder what Mr Nolans patriarch makes of this?[/QUOTE]

You are living in a timewarp.

Nolan is a hero, an innovator and an inspiration.

[quote=“KIB man”]You are living in a timewarp.

Nolan is a hero, an innovator and an inspiration.[/QUOTE]

Nolan is a shame to his forefathers. A scourge on his family name.

What must his poor mother think.

[quote=“KIB man”]Ah I’ve a girlfriend for years so I suppose it easy talk. But ya I’d be seen by my friends as a great wingman. I’m more of a number two than a front man. The second striker so to speak and as I like to say the best player generally in the game :smiley: My best mate is a great front man. He literally could walk up to a group of Rosanna Davisons and not give a fuck.

There was a year when I went back to Galway to do a Masters, he just started living with me cos he was doing nothing else. It was the same time as Wedding Crashers came out and then we read the Game. He was single for the first time in years so it suited him perfectly. He scored a ridiculous amount of women that year. His weakness is though a lack of killer instinct ie converting scoring into riding. He’d be waving at us kissing some bird doing Will Farrell impression or score a rake of birds in the nightclub and not concentrate on banging just the one.

We also set up Galway Bebo Babes. 10,000 hits in a month. We had women asking to join it, weekly competitions, girls getting professional photos done and then asking. My role was Quality Control :smiley: We tried to keep it a secret as to who was running it but sure enough word got around and the password was shared with a few people, then a few more. GF got word of my involvement so we had to close. The single lads in the crew basically used it as a reference point before going out. See what birds were single, tick off which off them they had done etc. Hilarious girls asking to join. Then we would kick them off if we thought they didnt match up. Women sending messages in wondering why they had been booted off and if they could submit a new picture:D. It was brilliant.

As for my own game. Ye might have noticed but I am fairly analytical and can be fairly cunning. Have weakness like everyone else and far from the best I know. Best was when I was getting the bus to Liverpool that time. Only two seats left on the bus, one next to a stunner close on a 10 a 9.7 anyway and I have very high standards when it comes to ratings. My brother didnt sit next to her so I had to. After about an hour of not talking to her I thought to myself fuck it. Might aswell roadtest some high risk techniques. So I started chatting away to her, threw in a few negs to which I nearly shitted myself saying. Said I preferred blondes to brunettes - she had dark hair and some average girl sitting a few seats had gorgeous clothes. Also actually got up at one point and walked over to my brother when she was mid sentence. After about an hour she had turned her body completely over to me. I was revelling in it now. Was obvious this bird was actually a classy bird not some whore. She said that Gerrard had tried it on with her before but she blanked him. By the time we were in Liverpool she was asking me where I was staying and did I want to meet up. I teased her and waited until we were getting off the bus to say I had a girlfriend and wasnt interested. Id say she had never been turned down before in her life - the look on her face was priceless. The kick I got off that was one of the greatest moments in my life. My brother was openmouthed.[/QUOTE]

It must really suck being you. :eek:

Bandage can you give me a gist of what he said, seriously? I truly couldnt be arsed reading it.

Don’t know all the terms now but negging is as close to a silver bullet as I’ve ever seen. Scored this sensationally hot bird in my class a year or two ago purely by the fact that I negged the fuck out of her naturally. Not as a technique or anything but I’d naturally talk to birds like that anyway. She was a genuine 10 by any standards, centre of attention in any nightclub, the lads used to constantly be asking me about it. I figured it out eventually because I was as surprised as anyone else myself. Was purely because a bird that hot is so used to having lads grovel in front of her that the only thing that gets her attention is a lad who doesn’t seem to give a fuck about her. Simple but it works in fairness. Make her work to impress you. The thrill of the chase and all that. No one wants anything they can get too easy. Was only when I read an article by your man Strauss I figured that side of it out though. I’m sure there’s loads of more stuff but I’ve always been too lazy to seek it out.

He sat beside a hot bird on a bus and tested out the techniques on her and got a thrill out of it and it was one of the best moments of his life. As much as I laugh at Irish birds thinking they’re leading the life of Carrie Bradshaw, clowns who think they’re Vince Vaughn in Wedding Crashers are equally sad.

[quote=“myboyblue”]Nolan is a shame to his forefathers. A scourge on his family name.

What must his poor mother think.

She probably thinks with all the money he is making she is bound to be getting into a top notch nursing home when the time comes.

Cheers. That sounds like a wicked existence being lived in the Kingdom. Truly whack. Word.


Well fooking said.

I despise for mankind when cunts like that get a bit. They should be fucking beaten to a pulp.

He’d be better off picking a few strawberries.

Like I said, the recession will have its uses thank god. Tis a bad shower that brings no good.

Well fooking said.

I despise for mankind when cunts like that get a bit. They should be fucking beaten to a pulp.[/QUOTE]

Swingers farmer, has so much to answer for.

Get the book its brilliant. The first half anyway. The second half goes into how some of his crew started to get too much into the theory - NLP and all that and forget about the fun. He also fell in love with a stunner. The man is a weedy bald gimp.

Negs are tricky though they can go badly badly wrong. But use subtle ones. How nice some average woman’s hair is or how you hate leggings on girls knowing well that the hottie wears them but just not on the night. Also dont forget that grade A stunners are often not properly approached by lads cos they are seen as being out of their league. Lots of stunners actually dont know how hot they are.

Mercifully, forum member Thrawneen hasn’t accessed this thread from about post 115 onwards, or God knows what reports we could be receiving by the end of the week…:smiley:

Thinly veiled ‘i wish i could do better with women’

Well fooking said.

I despise for mankind when cunts like that get a bit. They should be fucking beaten to a pulp.[/QUOTE]

Thinly veiled ‘i wish i could do better with women’

[quote=“myboyblue”]He’d be better off picking a few strawberries.

Like I said, the recession will have its uses thank god. Tis a bad shower that brings no good.[/QUOTE]

Thinly veiled ‘i wish i could do better with women’

Also Nolan is thriving in a recession. I wonder is he getting any government start up money for his enterprise? Can you imagine the conversations with some red neck FF supporter at FAS or whatever agency? What does your company do? Eh, help lads score women, Sorry what did you say?

I do fine with the ladies KIB, all on my own.

If I ever need a handjob or a high 5, I’ll give you or the funboy a bell. :smiley:

I’d hardly say Nolan is thriving just yet, cant imagine he’s on any rich list…

Sending a bird a CD of his favourite French music was a classic move alright.

Still though while I respect what he did I wouldnt ever stoop to that. Its pretty gay imo but end justified the means I guess. Also I fucking hate France, French people and French music.

[quote=“KIB man”]Thinly veiled ‘i wish i could do better with women’

Thinly veiled ‘i wish i could do better with women’

Thinly veiled ‘i wish i could do better with women’

Also Nolan is thriving in a recession. I wonder is he getting any government start up money for his enterprise? Can you imagine the conversations with some red neck FF supporter at FAS or whatever agency? What does your company do? Eh, help lads score women, Sorry what did you say?[/QUOTE]

Piece of advice for you mate:

Juse because a bird didn’t press charges after you sniffed her seat doesn’t mean you do well with women.

Interesting stuff, I am learning alot here. Does this stuff work for gingers?

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]Piece of advice for you mate:

Juse because a bird didn’t press charges after you sniffed her seat doesn’t mean you do well with women.[/QUOTE]

Is that some kind of a confession?

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]Piece of advice for you mate:

Juse because a bird didn’t press charges after you sniffed her seat doesn’t mean you do well with women.[/QUOTE]
