Stone Roses: 20th Anniversary

Anyone need tickets? I’ve two I don’t need. Send me a PM if you’re interested. Can meet at the Park or in town up to about 7.

I’ve spoken to a few people who were over in Manchester and they said it was simply unreal.

Can’t wait. Should be a serious atmosphere at it.

Underwhelming enough stuff so far. The crap tracks off The Stone Roses album have actually worked best. Song for my Sugar Spun Sister and Bye Bye Badman. Ground is v soft. Bar queue disastrous as expected.

Underwhelming enough stuff so far. The crap tracks off The Stone Roses album have actually worked best. Song for my Sugar Spun Sister and Bye Bye Badman. Ground is v soft. Bar queue disastrous as expected.

Had ye any hope of smuggling booze in?

No but tickets v easy to come by. 30e for mine and cud have got one for 10 if Id waited until the gate. Fools Gold just started.

This gig tonight sounds fucking terrible.

Fook me. Brnwns vocals on This Is The One were execrable. Itd be nice if hed at least make an effort to get somewhere near the same key. I Am The Ressurection now to round off this considerable dissapointment.

The usual classic anthems were great but that was about it. A little underwhelmed myself.

Some highly enjoyable moshing/bouncing but an amount of messy cunts at it - at least where I was standing (just outside the pit). All trying to out do each with the whole mad for it vibe.

It was still a good gig I suppose but I probably expected too much.

Goodish. Vocals were very bad at times. Mud a pain in the hole. Drink queue, fuck me, a joke. Jacks was a mud pit. But still some very good times and the classics sounded like 20 years ago.


Enjoyed that I must say. Like Phil I was up the front with the wannabe moshers. Feel like I ve gone 80 minutes with the All Black pack. Epic levels of bad behaviour amongst the great unwashed, drunkenness and drug taking of a very high order. A rather unattractive lady bared her breasts beside me at one point. Fight broke out later, head butting and all that kind of thing.

The singing was patchy on occasions alright but it always was. Brown was never one of the great vocalists. Still he regathered his poise. I have to say I was sceptical as to how some of the classic anthems would play live, they played very well. Super rendition of Fools Gold, which I always feared couldn’t be played live.

twas easy to get booze in sid, i had 3 bottles of jack and coke in my knapsack that wasnt searched. they just felt the bags feeling for bottles and cans.

ian brown’s vocals are shite, it’s a given so dont go to a stone roses gig expecting pavarotti. the quality of the rest of the band was phenomonal especially squires guitar playing.

downsides: shite support, wouldve expected better for 70 lids. the exits were poorly laid out leading you away from the buse

4.4/5 rating

The Bad: the fucking never-ending walk up to the gig from Infirmary Road. 10-15 mins it said on the website. My fucking hole.
The walk back to Parkgate Street was lengthy too but at least I beat the queues and got into Ned Rea’s to get my pint before the hordes did. The mud was shocking, it’ll be hilarious by Florence and her Machine on Sunday. The bar situation was ridiculous. Do these promoters ever fucking learn? Serious amount of gobshites at it, had to burrow our way up towards the front to actually hear some music and not a load of dickheads shouting drunken shite at each other and taking photos.

The good: the last 6 songs or so were sublime. Worth the effort for that. Not big into the noodly, rocky stuff in the middle. Love Spreads and She Bangs the Drums sounds like two different bands, and I know which one I prefer.
There was a savage amount of hot 30-something year old birds at it. Wellies, denim skirts and string tops ftw.

Good night all in all.

what the fuck?

you felt the need to tell us the exits were poorly laid out?why?

Pints in the Mullingar House afterwards were the best bit which says it all. Squire dominated proceedings far too much with unimaginative, plodding power chords and pretty much drowned out Mani and Reni who have always been the best feature of the band IMO. Very little interaction between band and crowd. Venue is convenient enough for me to walk home but shit. Won’t be one I’ll look back on.

Pretty much sums up my feelings about it. Good but not great. Not sure if it was the crowd or the band.

I can never understand the bar situation at these events. Surely it’s in the interests of the company with the concession to serve as much booze as possible. At €5 a pint they’d have the wages for the evening covered in 15 minutes.

Runt it appears that queue at one bar area was atrocious but the area near me was fine. Queued for about 10 minutes. No problem. Of course the herd mentality of the Irish is such that they don’t look for alternatives.

For any forumites attending the gigs over the weekend and not overly familiar with the area, can I suggest that the key to an enjoyable evening at this venue would be to use the entrance at Blackhorse Avenue just before you come to Cumiskeys pub. Very close to the venue and well served by Dublin Bus or plenty of easy and safe parking here too.

I believe RTT is going to some sort of “rave” there on Saturday.

:lol: What a gome