Stone Roses: 20th Anniversary

A large percentage of the crowd were absolute dickheads. Fellas falling over everywhere. Listening to a song and then some drunken imbecile falls into your back. :rolleyes: Can no one handle their drink at all anymore?

I met him yesterday in the Co-op shop and he was after buying a pair of wellies, a whistle and one of those illuminous working vests

For fuck sake, that thing on Saturday is for kids.

FFS it was a Stone Roses gig, not a ladies book club. What did you expect? I must say being a part of such a ludicrously badly behaved throng was something I was looking forward to and I wasn’t disappointed.

I was up at the front for the early part of the gig and it was a bit of a cuntfest. All a bit forced. Lads trying a bit too hard to be ‘mad cunts’ rather than actually enjoying the band.

I imagine he’s bringing all 14 of his.

There was a chap asleep in the mud in front of me at one point. He’d clearly been tossing and turning to get the most comfortable position given that pretty much every part of his body was caked in it…Then he was suddenly rather heavy handedly dragged up and lagged out by security, a bit like how Noel O’Leary would do it, which I thought was a bit harsh.

Worst thing about gigs in this country is the apes employed to keep gigs “safe”, they’re a fucking menace at these things. I’ve been to many a gig where the performer has has had to tell the security to cut their shit out.

In fairness it’s a fucking fool’s game queueing for the bar in the hour before the gig starts. Tank up on cans and get in in good time. Also cuts down on your costs big time to leave it until the day of the gig to organise yourself the way I did.

Ticket: €30
Cans: €8 for 8
1 pint at the venue donated by somebody who didn’t have enough hands: €0
3 pints afterwards: €4.50
Transport: €1.60

Lovely. It actually wasn’t so bad now I think about it.

Good man Sid. I went to bed last night thinking you were a miserable old joyless cunt, but nice to see that humour has worn off you now.

I don’t mind bad behaviour, in fact I rather enjoy it. But there’s nothing worse than seeing lads falling all over the place, oblivious to what’s going on, banging into all and sundry. That’s not bad behaviour, that’s just being a mess.

Same here. I don’t mind anything people get up to once it’s a natural reaction to what’s actually happening on stage. Can’t be putting up with messy cunts who don’t know nor care a whit about the band and the music though.

Plenty of event junkies in evidence

Yes but these cunts turn up at every gig in the country, at least the outdoor ones, so I’m surprised that you wouldn’t have expected to bump into a few of them. Particularly up near the front.

There’s been a fine mist of rain in Dublin all morning which should do wonders for the Phoenix Park surface for RinTinTin’s Big Day Out. The sound should pick up speed nicely off the well manicured, greasy top.


Them too. Saw three gents being escorted out, off their faces. I was quite jealous of the buzz I imagine they were on. Big smiles on their faces.

Bought 4 pints for me and Mrs. Locke. Put the two down that we weren’t drinking, some cunt walks through our group and kicks them over, keeps walking on, off his head. The same twat walked back around an hour later and you could see he was after pissing himself.

Some amount of folks off their heads from the drink/drugs and with the demographic that was there you’d think they’d know better.

Lads complaining about country fellas doing a bit of jostlIng. Sure you’d get worse than that in Coppers when the Clare crowd are in.

Liveline now.