Stone Roses: 20th Anniversary

“There was definitely an air of menace around”. “People definitely seemed more interested in getting drink than the music” says Sean.

Mary Whitehouse is on the line and will be on after the break.

The place was probably littered with muck savages. Fuckin muckas. Fuckin dirty ass mucka bastards brownin all over the jaysus fuckin place.

This country is a fucking joke for any concert/ festival type event. The amount of fuckers that go to them and dont even see a band playing but just stay by the tent, or junkie approved area, getting off their heads is pathetic.

We have very serious issues with drink and drugs in this country but I must say, the further away from Dublin these events are on, the less of this behaviour you see.

It didnt help last night I suppose that the band in question are scumbags, largely followed by scumbags.

What’s up with you lately, you’ve gone fucking mental?

Don’t mind him. He’s off his head on drugs

In fairness this is an essential part of dealing with living in Ireland.

too many middle aged fanboys on this thread

The protein…Ohhh the protein has me wrrrrecked

And not enough hot buttered surf types!


stock up on the surf gear in Thailand mate

Some observations

This gig was fucking brilliant.

The phoenix park is shit for a gig so you’ve got to be up very close.

Lads giving out about bar queues and general facilities can fuck off. Get yourself pre-tanked, turn up, dance like fuck, intimidate anyone who looks like they might ring liveline, Walk for hours for transport/kebab, get in the scratcher covered in mud.

Stone Roses have some of the best stadium tunes I’ve ever heard.

+1. Juhniallo knows the score.

Juhniallo has said everything I would have said really, just a few additions.

The last 4 or 5 tracks were fucking amazing, an absolute brilliant ending to any gig you’ll find.

The starting song of Adored and the Finish of Resurrection, are there two better songs to bookend a gig?

Mani’s eyes were just fucking mental anytime they flashed to him the on the big screen.

Quite a lot of lads off their heads on drugs, quite a lot of assholes, nothing I didnt expect so much like Brown’s low point of Don’t Stop I didnt let it bother me all that much. We were in a decent area off centre near the front and had a decent’ish crowd around us and we had a fucking ball.

If you ask me you’re an imbecile!

If you ask me you’re an imbecile!

Basically what happened last night is that a bunch if people who are used to going to U2, Snow Patrol, Florence and the Machine and other assorted wuss/nerd bands found themselves at a gig with a bunch of people who are used to going to hard and punk rock gigs and surprise surprise they didn’t quite hit it off.

The carry on last night was no worse than the Metallica/Mastodon gig in Marlay Park in 09. It was just that the nicer elements of society like Thraw and WTB aren’t normally exposed to this kInd of behaviour.

Personally I think lockes moan about some lad kicking over a pint of his he’d left on the ground unguarded was the biggest pussy moan here so far but I agree with the gist of your post fagan.

I had three cans nicked off me in the square in Poznan the night before the Ireland v Italy game. I left my spot for 20 seconds to talk briefly to somebody else and when I came back they were gone. So there Locke. Where’s my NAMA?

Ian brown spat on a friend of mine from the stage once he said it was the greatest gig he was ever at

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