Stone Roses: 20th Anniversary

They’re back baby :clap:!/QMagazine/status/126298552329703424

Heaton Park who is who isn’t who is who isn’t

John Robb is a some fool



I was talking to him on Parnell Street a few months ago one Friday evening. An absolute gent. I asked him how he still looks so youthful and he replied that the secret is in not drinking. I said “ah well” and went off to have a pint.

I’m sure he’s a sound lad to talk to but does he really need to go around posting pictures like that on the internet.

Tickets on sale Friday. Get in!

:pint: :pint:

Jaysus - Brown looks fucked.

Mani isn’t looking too healthy either.

Brown is the only one not wearing make up in that photo, i daresay he’s the healthiest these days.

What a collection of songs these lads have.

Mani looks like he should have a cigarette in his hand.

At the press conference yesterday, someone from the Daily Mail tried to ask Brownie a question and he responded by saying “Let me ask you a question. What’s it feel like to write for a newspaper that used to support Adolf Hitler?” :lol:

They look like the bad ass uncles your family never really want to talk about and cause mayhem on their occassional visits home.

But then again, they are the Stone Roses and can look any fucking way they want, genius to a man.

Kind of. They also look a bit like those lads ahead of you in tesco queues who smell slightly of piss and are buying soda bread and a naggin of whiskey.

They are the music of the people.

Ok let’s kick off a row here. The Stone Roses were a highly derivative and unoriginal band who happened to be in the right place at the right time. The first album had 4 good songs. The second album had none. Fools Gold was a decent song but Prince was doing this kind of thing 5 years previously and far better. Is it really worth having this kind of brouhaha for a reunion of a band whose canon of good songs stretches to 5.

Even if that was true, yes. I don’t think there’s any song I dislike on that album. You can argue they’re derivative but they did nail a sound of their own and didn’t fuck it up as badly as plenty of other Northern bands, even if they implode eventually.

Oh come on. In the year of Our Lord 2011 could anyone take the song Sally Cinnamon seriously??[quote=“Watch The Break, post: 355844”]

Even if that was true, yes. I don’t think there’s any song I dislike on that album. You can argue they’re derivative but they did nail a sound of their own and didn’t fuck it up as badly as plenty of other Northern bands, even if they implode eventually.

All decent music is highly derivative. Unoriginal though? No.

What are the 5 songs you think are good? Is one great album not enough anyway? One great album is more than most bands ever make.

edit: Sally Cinnamon isn’t on ‘The Stone Roses’ by the way.