
headshot :rofl:


Hup outta that :brendanback:

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It was a woman apparently.

Horrific way to go and must be devastating for the driver to witness that too.

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I have a pal who is a train driver on the mainland.
They are told they can expect one and a half suicides over the course of their career. Apparently the major selection criterion now is testing mental robustness in the candidates due entirely to this.
Itā€™s just awful.

It happens every day here in SE mainland, Iā€™ve been delayed nearly once a week on my Trainline alone with jumpers

What part of continental Europe?

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Yeah. But according to @artfoley they only push buttons and shouldnā€™t be paid above the National average wage.
No probs. Pay an idiot to push the buttons.

cc. @Bandage. National banking crisis circa 2008.


I think thatā€™s US presidents.

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Look it @Sidney. Youā€™re a nice guy, but Iā€™m NOT getting into a debate about US politics with you. Sure you ABSOLUTELY DESTROYED the other idiots that questioned you.


It was only a job description, mate.

O k.

Another ā€˜tragic incidentā€™ on the tracks at Harmonstown stop earlier.

There seems to be a huge amount of these recently.

Carrey, to a certain extent vindicated.

He riddled her with STDā€™s the dirty bastard

Just shaving blisters

The format of that article is hideous - I couldnt read it

Throwing prescription pills at people for years ā€¦ tampering with food and food production = poor dietā€¦ a society that is bombarded with constant advertising and told their life only has value when they are driving x, wearing y, looking like z ā€¦

America is in a lot of pain. A hell of a lot of painā€¦ When the aim of your whole society is to make money at any cost, the value of human life counts for nothing.

Was depression a big issue in medieval times when peopleā€™s lives were generally Shite.

Mate - they thought the world was flat - lived off the land or were far more in touch with nature generally and were not wrecked with drugs and constantly bombarded with messages of how shit their life was and how great it could be if only they did ā€¦

As our ability to gain more information has grown it seems despair has grown with it. - But gut microbes cant be overlooked here.