
Also an enabling one

Or Iā€™m milking the state while pretending to care about kids in care or asylum seekers

Iā€™m sure some of them do actually careā€¦while still lining their pockets. @Tank A little digging reveals that the deceased was involved in the pro-palestine movement. Depending on ones political persuasion that could equate with working for Gaddafi alright.

In fairness mate, you tend to see the bad in every profession, TUSLA yesterday and Hunan Rights lawyers today,
Hands down the most decent person I know is a human rights lawyer

I have a sympathetic and forgiving disposition, I take no pleasure in this poor ladyā€™s death.

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Firstly, thereā€™s no such organisation as TUSLA, itā€™s the child and family agency. Secondly, Iā€™m basing it on personal experience over 10 years at the coalface of childcare proceedings.

As for human rights lawyers, anyone who introduces themselves as such is generally a cunt.

A real human rights lawyer will say the work in family law, judicial review etc and more often than not are that well paid and/or do cases pro Bono. You wonā€™t find them quaffing vino in business class.


Itā€™s evident she had a drink problem and I was glad they put her in the slammer at the time for her hysterics but having said that youā€™de have to be cold blooded not to have any sympathy for her and her extreme action. She clearly felt very ashamed of what she done, a terrible pity.

Two things, you didnā€™t mention anybody introducing themself as a human rights lawyer, you appeared to tar them all with the same brush ā€˜cuntsā€™

Iā€™m not sure what point you are trying to make about the organisation known as TUSLA, making a big point that it doesnā€™t exist is unusual


Obviously you havenā€™t seen the video of yerwan on the plane.

In respect of the CFA, they pissed millions up the wall with this tusla rebranding shite which shouldā€™ve been deployed where itā€™s needed. It was ultra vires and symptomatic of how upper management are focussed on image rather than outcomes. Thatā€™s why I get so angry about it. No money for S+l therapists, respite care, front line social workers but money for a branding exercise and PR. disgusting.

I havenā€™t seen the video, I donā€™t think itā€™s fair to brand all human rights lawyers as greedy cunts, thereā€™s good and bad Iā€™m sure,

The organisation is called TUSLA, the people who work there has no say in the rebranding, as I said Iā€™ve also had dealings with many of them and some have been outstanding professionals

A 2 minute video doesnā€™t define someoneā€™s life guys. May she RIP.


A suspended sentence?

I didnā€™t label all human rights lawyers as such, just those that refer to themselves as human rights lawyers.

As for the CFA, itā€™s name is the child and family agency

And as for my experiences with social workers Iā€™ve a had a lot of bad experiences from lying in reports, lying on the stand apnd generally acting the cunt. Thatā€™s my experiences based on 10 years front line 8 hours a day in court with them. There are good ones out there but they are the exception. The other point Iā€™d add is that they have a different approach to professionals like doctors and teachers than they do to parents and those who act for parents.

You may weā€™ll have different experiences but thereā€™s reasons for that, mostly because youā€™re not generally involved in the adversarial aspects. thanks

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The video of the lady in question on the plane showed to my mind a desperate woman deranged with drink. A jail sentence was wrong given a society where the gang rapist of a child jauntily resumes a paid sporting career. The prison term was virtue signalling by a cowardly judge.
The only thing apparent from the video was that she needed help. If she had been a ā€œgood gaa womanā€ she probably would have been let off with five hundred quid in the poor box.
In any case, itā€™s a tragedy.


Iā€™d agree with all that. She got jail essentially for acting the cunt while fuckers that do a lot worse walk out the door.

The lady was obviously troubled and hopefully she has peace now

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The video of the lady in question on the plane showed to my mind a desperate woman deranged with drink. A jail sentence was wrong

That was UK

given a society where the gang rapist of a child jauntily resumes a paid sporting career.

Thatā€™s Oireland

The prison term was virtue signalling by a cowardly judge.

UK again

If she had been a ā€œgood gaa womanā€ she probably would have been let off with five hundred quid in the poor box.

Oireland again


Itā€™s a bit incoherent Flatthew

It was the general jist I was after.

It was clear what you meant flatty. @Raylan is just in one of his moods again