
Bressie is a proven liar on the topic of the degree of his suffering.

He has clearly attempted to make money on the back of this exaggeration of his suffering.


A ‘proven liar’?

Yeah - that’s what I said.

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I know Brezzie is lying because in his book “Geoffrey and Me” he says he injured his leg the night after he won a school’s rugby trophy during a panic attack that happened in his home but in fact he injured his leg that night by going to the pub with the trophy, getting shit-faced, playing Crocodile Rock on the piano for the whole bar and then standing up and slipping on spilled beer on the floor.

He probably feels sad, nervous or stressed on occasion.

I hope this clears things up.


I’d love it if someone would just tweet him that :joy:


Nice for you to get the opportunity to grind your axe anyway :rollseyes:

I’m not on Twitter.

Grind my axe?

What are you shiteing about?

Your first thought on hearing of a suicide is to berate Bressie, odd.

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No - when I hear of suicide cases I immediately think of the pain which the person must have been going through in order to carry out such a horrific physical pain on themselves. A truly tragic act and the lowest of the human experience.

Then you have Bressie who wrote a book and has earned himself a healthy wad of cash on essentially a con job around such sensitive and tragic matters so I called him out.


I exposed him as giving very conflicting accounts on his mental issues. They went from being minor panic attacks while presenting the voice to crippling anxiety which plagued him all his life.


Very strange extrapolation.


Any chance he’d do us the courtesy, by shutting up.

Disappointing that a young persons death leads to another Bressie bash

He is berating snake oil salesmen like Bressie


Be some irony if Bressie read this thread and then took his own life as a result


Disappointing that the publicity around suicide is used to promote celebrities rather than given to actual medical practitioners and experts in the field.
Follow my Insta and buy my book isn’t medical advice.


Is that what you tried to do to John Connors that time you tweeted him?

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Did you think of the possibility that I was trying to do it to a few people here?

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Ah you wouldn’t.