
Thereā€™s room for all sorts of publicity surrounding depression, itā€™s regarded with suspicion and massive negativity here whenever somebody speaks about it publicly

I want everybody to keep on living

Iā€™m like that guy at the Electric Picnic in 2006

And had fraudulently documented his thought process leading up to his demise, and sold exclusive viewing rights to his snuff momemt to schools for exorbitant fees.

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There is no room for a con man like Bressie, that is for sure.


itā€™s regarded with suspicion because people have used it as a tool to further their careers, thus belittling people with actual mental health issues.

A good percentage of celebrities these days talk about their anxiety and depression. itā€™s almost like a badge of honour. Iā€™m not saying none of them have had mental health issues, but come on, itā€™s hard not to be cynical on this one fella


Iā€™ll respectfully disagree with you and @farmerinthecity, it was most definitely not ā€˜coolā€™ when Bressie spoke out first, he may have exaggerated for effect but I have no doubt but that he has had his troubles, nobody speaks to more kids and young adults on the topic than he, perhaps heā€™s making a few bob but what harm if heā€™s speaking from experience
Depression and suicide among young people is frightening, Iā€™ve had first hand experience n my extended family and the people I grew up with, I would be all for all and any discussion that helps

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Brezzie for Prezzie

Absolutely but when people start using it to make cash for themselves or to avoid custodial sentences for assault itā€™s wrong.


ah yeah, hard to argue with that, and thatā€™s not what Iā€™m arguing against. Raising awareness of this issue is always good.

Iā€™m cynical of the vacuous interviews where someone casually mentions ā€œyeah, Iā€™m suffering from depressionā€ and no more about it.

Itā€™s very hard not to be cynical about it.

All the pressures of the world today, the people turned away from God this is the cause of it.


How much does he charge schools to go talk to them?

ā‚¬500 notes the last I heard

itā€™s the lack of pressure. Thereā€™s a whole generation there that never had an ounce of hardship. Theyā€™re the most protected generation in history. You canā€™t say boo. They canā€™t be told they arenā€™t good at something. They have to get medals for participating. They donā€™t have to work to pay for college.

Everything is put up on a plate for them. A bit of hardship then and theyā€™re depressed or have mental health issues. If a child is sad these days parents are bringing them to fucking counsellors at very young ages.

To top it all off then youā€™ve cunt celebrities normalising depression as if itā€™s a cool thing.


Go againā€¦

hardship comes in different ways, the way things are gone now not getting a few likes on Instagram can drive people to suicide


thatā€™s it, perspective or lack of it.

And I respectfully say that you are talking shite.

Bressie is a conman. He has overstated or lied about his background in order to obtain financial gain - and in the area of mental health and suicide that is despicable.


physical activity is going by he wayside, manual labour jobs are getting more and more automated and people are less active, they are spending time online and getting depressed looking at other people boasting all the time about their great lives, you can do everything online now, order food, shopping, watching porn, people are unable to deal with anything in real life

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OK mate, get it off your chest, itā€™s an all windā€¦

I agree in the most part. We arenā€™t designed to sit at desks 8 hours a day. Itā€™s part of the problem.

Iā€™d disagree in one way though, people are going to extremes of exercise to replace something thatā€™s missing in their lives. Lads and girls living in the gym to get summer bodies and shit like that.

I see some amount of people out running the paths near me and none of the poor fuckers look happy.