
Are you trying to take the moral high ground here or something?

You are the one who dismissfully said that ā€˜well Bressie must have suffered from something so he can help kidsā€™. Thatā€™s like saying someone who suffered from heartburn can help someone with a heart attack,

A woeful lack of awareness from someone who I think may ever be a teacher!


Bresdie struck me as very highly strung on the voice. Might be exaggerating but I definetely think to some degree he is telling the truth.

Yeah. He had his first ever panic attack on it, according to himself. Thankfully he has been able to backdated these as and when required.


Heā€™d want to be knocking out four schools a day at that rate.

Do you think has Brezzie ever shagged any famous politicians? You can imagine him going for Maria Bailey.

Conversations about at least three different types of swinging could be extrapolated from this remark


He would be a fool to turn her down

Top post there lad.Youngsters are too mollycoddled these days.A few days on the bog turning turf and with nothing to ate only ham sandwich and a bottle of tae wouldnā€™t do them any harm


Getting the shit kicked out of you by the Caseyā€™s was the best thing that ever happened you.


The internet has the world fucked.

we recently had another well known advocate of mental health and wellbeing (one that is regularly slated here) speak at our school for no charge, did it in response to a personal invite sent on twitter.

but in fairness 500e isnā€™t much really.


This is outlandish and complete theft. If he was really interested in helping people heā€™d do it for Free.

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We had Bressie in a couple of years ago. Nothing but good things were said about him.

Young people today look up to celebraties like Bressie and kids engage with them/actually listen to them in ways that regular joe soaps cant.

Sure Bressie and co may be making a few quid but they are hardly getting rich. If they strike a cord and save even one life it is money well spent imho.


Interesting points but this whole celebrity culture and the need to be seen and heard is actually part of the problem not the solution in my opinion. Itā€™s probably something thatā€™s always been with people but social media has sent it in to hyperactive mode. We are all ā€œbrandsā€ now. Listening to someone and respecting what they say because they are a celebrity is bollixology really.


Bressie isnā€™t one of the lads from reality tv mate, a professional sportsman and a songwriter, did you ever have a speaker come to your school for any reason?


Wtf? Does he have any qualifications? Can public schools just spend money on anything they want?

Ah stop now for fuck sake


Santy came to see us in first class


What mate? Is he not a songwriter?

Iā€™m not in a school. Would you get a celebrity in to your school to talk about nutrition etc just because the kids will pay attention? Or would you want to get an expert in the field in? Ideally you Could have the celeb introduce the expert and tell the kids to listen to what the expert says I supposeā€¦