
Most young fellas sit at home these days. Jacking off 24/7 watching violent porn then go out trying to rape and murder women. Its happening a lot


The same lad who spent ages on here complaining that some of the Limerick hurlers wouldn’t give up their own time free of charge to bring the cup around to schools has no issue with some lad with no qualifications going around charging public schools €500 for a talk


I fucked up that quote.

Oh Lordy what a clamping :laughing:

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Maybe it was him who done the booking, that’s why he’s a bit touchy about it

I can’t understand the link between the two,
You’ll recall that my complaint was due to the principal of that school having been partly responsible for the upturn in fortunes for Limerick hurling


@backinatracksuit getting all giddy and excited because they have some z list celebrity shyster profiteering off suicide attending his ‘workplace’.


I haven’t any experience of this Bressie fella, I pointed out that another ‘celebrity’ paid a visit to our school and spoke free of charge, the same fella is regularly lambasted by all and sundry here but he was a gentleman and gave much more than what was asked, I take the TFK vendettas with a punch of salt, I’d have a lot of respect for the work that Bressie does,

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You have a lot of respect for people who profiteer out of suicide? Odd.

“Free of charge” being the key point there

Schools shouldn’t be paying lads with no qualifications €500 to speak to kids as if they are experts


He wouldn’t want to go at her too hard either.

I’ll be honest mate, I’d say there’s many worse ways to spend 500e of the schools budget, you can belittle the reasons and causes all you want, blame social media and video games but it doesn’t change the fact that kids nowadays are under greater stress than ever and the suicide figures back that up,
A so called ‘expert’ walks in and they’re looking at their fingernails, they’ll at least listen to what the ‘celebrity’ says


Ye teachers have no regard for budgets, that’s the problem.


I know of some schools where he charged 1k

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I agree to a certain extent, and fair play to the other “celebrity” you’re on about that does it free of charge but I think it is a sign of a cunt to charge €500 or more to schools to talk on a subject they have no qualifications to talk about

Richie Sadlier for example got a degree in counselling and psychotherapy

No doubt the parents were asked to “donate” to the charade


I’ve a bit more respect for the fella you’re talking about for the reasons you outlined. Taking time to talk to students for free is brilliant and to be commended. Particularly with primary students as they have no previous engagement at all with mental health.
I have however witnessed him debating on this issue publicly more than once and was very disappointed.

How would kids in the 12-17 age bracket know who Bressie is? He had a few songs out ten years ago. What’s he done since that they’d know about?

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The voice of Ireland show.

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