
Whats his personal agenda? To improve kids mental health? Or do you think hes just trying to line his pockets?

Living in Dublin he would need to travel to limerick say a 4 hour round trip for 500 gross pay for his days work before all expenses. Hardly a kings ransom

Itā€™s like barney curley says everyone in Africa is happy because they have nothing. Thereā€™s no depression in Africa.

Ah here, an absolete bank clerk could do those maths, mate.

Itā€™s 50 quid petrol and he could make sandwiches in the morning. Itā€™s theft of the highest order.


Kids would buy their own tin whistles mate, that was the case when I went to primary school in a deprived area nearly 40 years ago and itā€™s still the same now,

The boom is back when 500 quid for a drive and a 1 hour chat is good value

Iā€™d say youā€™re a useless Sammy Sayers type teacher @backinatracksuit

I saw Bressie do his thing a couple of years ago. I thought he was a genuine enough chap and the piece seemed to resonate with younger people in the attendance


Were you able to get a tune out of it?

Why would you say that mate?

I was a natural on the guitar but never took to the whistle.

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Try that again in English, mate

Richie Kavanagh was probably more successful singer/songwriter and @Horsebox has more rugby medals. Lie down for fuck sake.


Let me come back at you with a few facts

  • None of their albums reached number 1
  • He represented his county and minor and U21 only
  • Thereā€™s no record of his games for Leinster other than his own stories

Sorry to hear you dont value your time

Richie Kavanagh once gave my mother in law great advice on the subject of eczema, she would have paid handsomely for it

Whether or not you like the music or the game he plays doesnā€™t change the fact that he achieved quite a lot in both fields

The fee is closer to 1000e and this has been validated to me by someone who organised him coming in (not Mrs Mac).

Heā€™s a director of A Lust for Life Charity. If the charity is paid for Bressie speaking, do they avoid paying tax on it? And could it wind its way into his pocket without him paying tax on it?

Heres a picture of him playing for Leinster against the scarlets in the pro 14 or whatever it was then


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Are you calling @backinatracksuit a liar

The point is that he hadnā€™t a pot to piss in until you liabes starting firing money at him to do these talks. He has contradicted himself on numerous occasions regarding his own mental health issues. But sure it gets ye an hour off actual teaching and someone else is picking up the tab.