
Alright, Iā€™ve stayed too long on this topic and itā€™s become personal as usual, my opinion is clear to see, thereā€™s a lot of ignorance re school budgets but I can understand that, every school will have various paid speakers throughout the year, those of you with kids in school will surely hear it from time to time,

I donā€™t really know very much about Bressie, I do think that mental health issues are the biggest thing affecting school life today, Iā€™m all for anything that can help.
That is all


The average punter is earning ā‚¬500 a week after tax for fucks sake. Fuck Bressie, the ambulance chasing bollocks.

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I heard from two lads on an Internet forum that itā€™s actually a grand he charges


Its unquantifiable no matter who would have given the talk. Is that reason enough not to do things?

Did any of the teachers offer you personal reimbursement?

2 married men in their 40s with kids gone by the way side in the past 2 weeks in Galway. Itā€™s so fucking normalised at this stage youā€™d hardly be shocked when youā€™d hear it.


Itā€™s reason enough not to scoff at 500 quid for a talk

Yeah but you married into moneyā€¦

A 13 year old at home a few weeks back.

Fucking 13!!

Lads are being talked into it nowadays. The entire thing has been normalised. Itā€™s ok to not be ok. It was always ok to not be ok, itā€™s just that lads got off their holes and dealt with shit. Lads did a hard days work and could sleep at night because they were too fucking tired not to.


There is alot to be said for it.


Spot on. The way people talk today is as if everyone were uncaring monsters years ago.

Iā€™d have paid to have heard that, honestly.

Sad to hear.

Both doing okay lifestyle wise from an optics pov?

Iā€™ve heard of a couple of similar aged lads with families doing similar, rumours were money problems, affairs with other women etc.

Turned out the 2 lads were actually Gay but saw no way of coming out in the setups with kids & businesses etc. Very sad.

This seems to be a massive issue. And absolutely no reason why it should be.


Yes, but two things worry me.

1, why get married in the 1st place?
2, can you really become gay at middle age like that if you were not when getting married?

Ah Harry :man_facepalming:t2:

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This is my point, itā€™s a terrible indictment of society when lads know they are gay but still go with the routine of marriage to a woman & starting families.

Of course you can, a lad can go from full forward to full back in his 30s if he wants.