
Maybe they caught the gay out foreign somewhere :man_shrugging:t2:

You’re around long enough to have seen plenty of similar lads doing the same to conform

You’re a good lad.

Mate I went to school with has formerly come out recently.

Tbh, as young lads growing up I would have said even then he was gay.
Again, he has had relationships with women over the past few years but never serious enough to be getting engaged etc.

A former Limerick sports commentator / Supermacs Marketing Rep was barely married a wet week before the truth unfolded about his private life.


No way?

Sexuality is on a scale like everything else in life. Very hetero on one end and homo on the other. Grey areas all over the place.

As Cobain said: ‘Everyone is gay’

But there is more to bring homosexual than just sexuality - it is a way of existence. That must be very difficult to hide.

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I’m confused with this. Isn’t that the general argument of the Gay community? That they are no different in the way they live bar their sexual preferences.

Didn’t he have a child with her first ?

I don’t think so.

She took it well too God Bless Her.

Oh she did yeah

I don’t know. But to me, certain homosexuals are clearly ‘gay’ and that goes beyond their sexual preferences. Similar to heteros being typical ‘blokes’ if you like.

Yeah, good point.

My mate as a kid was to me very gay in his actions but we knew him as no different. Very popular chap.
But was never a chap for going out with girls.

Then of course homosexuals are just as ‘normal’ as heterosexuals. Indeed homosexuals should be proud of the way they are - hence the Pride weekends etc. It may be cringey to some, and usurped by corporate cunts, but homosexuals have been oppressed for so long such a celebration of their identity in a public way is a only to be expected.


We’re here, we’re queer, we’re going on the beer


Is it fair to say Homosexuals have an unhealthy fondness for alcohol & socializing into their middle age compared to Heterosexuals?

The drug scene among gays is off the charts.
… No women to reign them in

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A lot of lads realise they are gay in their 40’s after getting married and having kids. It creates a lot of problems

That explains all your long distance running… How did you break it to Fintan?

I’m still in my 30’s with no kids. Cant risk having any in case I turn out gay after all