
You can be gay and have children

Iā€™d be ages getting my fella pregnant


Do bressieā€™s talks do any good, or is there a risk they cause harm? Is just talking about suicide without being a trained psychotherapist good in the sense it opens up the topic or dangerous as it some way normalizes the concept.

On an entirely unrelated topic is there anyone out there giving talks on repressed homosexuality and married men engaging in same. qualified or not. Maybe theres a market there?

A lot of straight lads stop having sex when they get married too. It creates a lot of problems

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Poor chap was badly exposed on the INTERNET.
That was some episode when you sit down and think about it. He is gone from supermacs now, gone selling houses.

Rather than getting Bressie in to tell yarns could schools not get somebody qualified in to talk about CBT and psychological tools that they can use.


The poor dears would get no Instagram likes when they post about that later though

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Wtf is wrong with you?

They will have to reassess

Lack of INTERNET LIKES can destroy people

Good point by Pampers @Ambrose_McNulty in response to those raising the hypothetical ā€œwhat harm if even one life is savedā€ scenarios in saying itā€™s unquantifiable.

My judgement of people and credit proposals is superior and Iā€™ve long thought some of these lads target this area specifically because itā€™s well paying and unquantifiable. I donā€™t think this is an overly cynical view given the state of some of the people touting themselves in this sphere.

Itā€™s alright lads spoofing and giving talks about fitness or diet and nutrition or work based motivation/leadership and other shite where the target market has relatively harmless vulnerabilities, but I think itā€™s worse that some of these (in many cases unqualified) cunts are looking to profit from people with serious mental vulnerabilities. Itā€™s too serious an area for these lads to become celebrity mental heath gurus and influencers.

Re Bressie - I think heā€™s gone off and studied in this area in the last few years.


Youā€™ve an awful thin skin, my friend.

Thereā€™s lads committing suicide now that never committed suicide before

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No harm in trying out new things from time to time

its easier to kill yourself these days

  1. Yes, if he there is too much arsenic in the water.
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The complete collapse of religion among young people plays a large part too Iā€™d imagine. You wouldnā€™t kill yourself if an eternity of hell awaited.

Is it not a sin in Islam?

Iā€™m very vulnerable.

Was bressie just a little bit down in the dumps, making pleanty of money and banging roz. Did he think of topping himself? He reminds me of the lads from Enron who were suicidal after getting caught.

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