
@anon61878697 hatā€™s been the history of homosexuality? Was their periods of time when it was normal and accepted? Or was it always taboo?

Homosexuality (and bisexuality) was accepted and regarded as normal in most ancient civilizations, the Chinese, Greeks and Romans for example were mad into it. Christianity and Islam were the first cultures to target homosexuality as being immoral. Thatā€™s a bit of a generalization but essentially true, modern religions are responsible for most of the intolerance towards homosexuality.


Brezzie is qualified in psychology and these lads are qualified in the Internet.

Maybe Brezzie is a closet homosexual

He sleeps with Jeffrey every night

Maybe he needs a doctor

Ah ffs sake. Sure thatā€™s enough for anyone right there. Heā€™s studied something in an area or so Iā€™ve heardā€¦

Richie Sadlier actually became a counsellor.

Bressie studied Mindfulness Based Interventionsā€¦ with an emphasis on elite sportsā€¦ Well thatā€™s a superb qualification.


Gays every where and acceptedā€¦ In Breton law a wife could get compensation or divorce if she wanted if her husband favoured sleeping with menā€¦ It was nothing against homosexuality, itā€™s just Irish marriages were all about producing children so the man had to do his partā€¦ Itā€™s accepted that a lot of Gay love happened on cattle raidsā€¦ No different to any warrior society really ā€¦

Africans, Native Americans, Egyptians, And many Asian societies also accepted a third genderā€¦ And recognised some people were a different gender than the sex they were born into.

Weā€™ve lost a lot over the years thanks to organised religion.

I think everyone is bisexual

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ā€˜Binaryā€™ is a very modern concept

I am trisexual myself

I reckon every bloke is gay, somewhere deep inside them, it how they handle it

Have you had gay experiences @Tassotti

I have had many lighthearted and carefree moments



Suicide is major issue in Northern Ireland. It has about twice the rate of suicide compared to the rest of Ireland and UK. I always find it alarming with the amount of suicides here (Cambodia). We have one of the highest incidences worldwide. Parallels between the two jurisdictions with trauma, post traumatic stress, severe deprivation (albeit very different) and an unwillingness/inability to deal openly with the past. Domestic abuse is massive in Cambodia too. Suicide and domestic abuse can be the manifestation of deficiencies elsewhere in society. While unfortunately suicide is an inevitability everywhere, the rates in Northern Ireland and Cambodia are too high. Political will to deal with it needs to be there.


Is there not a certain inevitability that given what went on in the six counties that things are the way they are in relation PTSD/anxiety/depression, just as it is in Cambodia?

Thatā€™s not to say that the problem shouldnā€™t be highlighted and people helped.