
Would you say it’s trauma or that some people miss the ‘excitement’ of it? - it gave some people in economic black spots a purpose or sense of belonging — Now they are just unemployed/working class nobodies like everyone else in society.


Very interesting point mate. I would say a bit of both.

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Normal,? Just feels wrong

Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi - another celebrity falls victim to the curse of suicide

And all people can do when Richard Sadlier and Bressie try to shed a light on depression is mock and scorn

For shame

One thing that has been blown out of the water however is that religion is not a crutch for depression

Put that in yer pipe and smoke it David Quinn

What be going through your mind . He got the wrath of trump . One less dog in the world .trump is fighting for our freedom .

No need to get so triggered mate

Abu is a victim of mental illness

It cuts across all classes, all creeds and all colours

Like US presidents, mental illness is an indiscriminate killer

It’s tragic that it affected Abu to such an extent that he felt compelled to take his own life

He blew three children to bits while he was at it according to the American reports.

That’s tragic

Those poor children

He must have been in a very, very dark state of mind to do that

Mental illness and sucide are curses

Agree but if it costs it costs,our teens need to hear and be heard and need a tangible link to suicide awareness ,who better than someone who has been there?
Yes of course it should be free,but e500 to possibly save a life ,in my book well spent

Getting your hole pummeled weekly can’t feel right surely

Did ye see this one doing the rounds on facebook.

Young lad went into Ennis hospital saying he was suicidal, sent him home saying he was grand. Tried to kill himself that night, they talked him down and got him admitted to Limerick and they discharged him the following day saying go for day treatment in Ennis.

Video is of his mother, telling the story and basically begging for help.

Absolutely fucking horrendous.

The country’s health system is a fucking joke.


The HSE website tells you to go to A and E with anyone contemplating suicide. My brother and his wife foster teen girls and they had a massive fight and went round and round between the GP and A and E to get help for one of them.
The GP fought with them and she was eventually admitted, she was under 16 so she went to the Children’s ward and not the DOP, thankfully and once she was there, they would not release her until a care plan was devised for her between TUSLA (worse than useless), CAMHS, her foster parents, her mother, etc.

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Fuck sake… fucking jesus fucking cunting christ … wtf!!

Everyone in this country who is in desperate need of a service has to go public to get it. There are no words

I’m half crying here after listening to that poor woman pleading for help. You’d seriously have to question life as we know it while listening to it.


where did you get that from ,facebook?

Ya. Take the quote from the front of that and copy and paste it.


Unless you need someone fitted up.


Mother of Jesus.