
A strange choice of slogan

FAO of any parent/ relation/ friend of any young person,in trouble,feeling shite,low self esteem/ self harming/ Pieta House cannot be praised enough in their application/ approach to youngsters in pain,donā€™t offer quick fixes,but was with a relations for 12 week counseling session recently,the kid went in with thoughts and a vague plan on how/ where to exit this life,was at the upper scale of going to go through with it and the lovely Kerry lady counsellor brought him through it- remarkable change in attitude from him,parents and close friends- black cloud gone- now able to deal with emotion/ conflict and feed good about themselves,cannot honestly praise Pieta house enough,this fucking government needs to wake up,as parents such ah this poor mum are at their wits end


Pieta house do great work and should be supported at every chance, but itā€™s the states job and shouldnā€™t be left to them to pick up the pieces.

Thereā€™s nothing Pieta can do in an emergency case like that. If nothing else, the state should at least be able to provide a secure ward for someone who says they are suicidal for as many days as itā€™s necessary until they get appropriate treatment.

Iā€™d a friend from college who is a pysch nurse and she told me stories about 5b (mental health ward in Limerick) that would lead you to believe you might be better off seeking no treatment at all as end up in there. She left it as quickly as she could naturally enough. People left working in places like that are either saints, or donā€™t give a fuck. Because no normal person could deal with it.

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I get that she wants to express how she feels and the message is loud and clear. But I think that if a son or daughter of mine was feeling like this I wouldnā€™t leave them out of my sight until they got the help they needed.

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Think heā€™s a foster sonā€¦ and could be over 18.

Okay. Shocking for her to go through it. It sounds like the chap needs help.

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I know what you mean but the way I look at it is that this was an emergency situation where a life was threatened.

You rely on hospitals in such instances when you are powerless to act.

And they sent him home, where he nearly died. I doubt they would do that if the lad was complaining of a heart attack.

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I think from the sounds of it he checked himself into Ennis. They fucked him out and she only got wind of it when he put up what was basically a suicide note on Facebook

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Ah for fuck sake.

The lad went to hospital himself and was turned away?!!

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Iā€™m only reading between the lines, not 100% obviously

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Yes itā€™s the states obligation but as per usual the state leaves the most vulnerable down-in Cork those at risk are advised to attend A and E,crazy situation

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Yes but unfortunately you canā€™t watch the 24/7 ,bud of mine driving for Murphyā€™s/ Heineken,his work mate/ other driver lost his wife/son/( all within 18 months)and saved the other one - all 3 were swinging by a rope from the attic trapdoor,he watched the last guy until it cracked him- left work to actually physically watch him,both him and the remaining son both have serious mental problems ATM, another family I heard of in the Northside had 3 members hung themselves from a crossbar,vvvv sad goings on

With a churchless Godless society weā€™ve lost our spirit and soul. Community is gone. Nowhere to turn and no one to talk to to receive guidance.

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Partly true

And lots of people are afraid of the stigma of mental health

Yes, no one out there to dish out the physical, mental and sexual abuse to the children of today

I know heā€™s pulling the piss but thereā€™s more than a few grains of truth in what he said


Can you flesh the grains out?

For me that argument is a case of 2+2=5

Community is dying

Spirituality is in short supply

Conversely I would argue that organised Religion has created dependencies & false hope for society and when it breaks down we are too weak to deal with the reality