
False hope?

Thatā€™s my belief, maybe not yours. None of which have been proven or disproven

Not sure you can reference faith as ā€˜hopeā€™. But also not sure either if either of us want to take on the lunatics who will pile in here shortly.

However, community is in sharp decline and that is undeniable. It wasnā€™t perfect or anything back in the day but itā€™s splintering entirely now.


Should we just delete the last few posts before they arrive

And delete our accounts just to be safe

True, but this is down to a multitude of factors; developments in infrastructure and IT, employment, urbanisation, substance abuse etc

Agreed, hence the grain of truth in my post. Iā€™m not wholeheartedly agreeing, merely saying itā€™s a contributing factor.

Everything is relative.

Spirituality in the past was mostly blind faith. Sure it helped a lot of people - but in the most cases it wasnā€™t opened to questioning. That is not good.

I find that community is still big down the country. However there are not as many people living in the country anymore, as well as the demise as county towns, the model has changed. We have been evolving since the start of time and this is another little bit of that.

So for me, the lack of neither could be ā€˜blamedā€™ for the rise in mental health issues today.

Correct,some of us believe in the power of prayer,and society is a bit messed up,and all clergy werenā€™t abusers etc,and more good was done than bad and absolutely nobody condones mistreatment of children


Thereā€™s no spiritual solution to a chemical problem.

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Not always straightforward chemical though bro.

Taize is flourishing in different parts of the country,ppl are crying out for spiritual direction,and find like minded folk eventually,and Christianā€™s everywhere are more educated ref religion now ,and definitely ask questions

What reality.? Facebook

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That lady turned to Facebook for help . I would have turned to the lord . Get this young chap back to prayer .

I thought were god was all seeing , all knowing?

Here put that up your pipe and smoke it .

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Thst just proves that weak people need fairy tales to believe as they canā€™t handle reality.


When Jesus points out sin he doesnā€™t point to where we are weak and defeated; rather he points to where we are strong, arrogant, indifferent and judgmental. Search the Gospels and ask this question: on whom is Jesus hardest? The answer is clear: Jesus is hardest on those who are strong, judgmental and have no feeling for those who are enduring the storm.

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They also refer to a ā€œnational autopsyā€ in Finland, which seems to support the view that those who are religious are more likely to be mentally disturbed.

Ok grey balls all wise and mighty. Eekkkk your misses there and leave the investigation on suicide to the pros .

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