
I love you bro. So I’m not getting into a ding dong…just be happy.

It was around 20 years ago too. I knew from area I grew up in upwards of a dozen lads (all men) who killed themselves from mid teens to mid twenties.


Accurate reporting of suicides?

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Pressure is huge on lads these days . Teenagers doing away with themselves. The internet is fucking lethal here . I’m delighted I didn’t have it growing up . To busy playing sport and texting women .

Climate change is the new religion.

Last year there was 7 people who hung themselves of goalposts in the lawns park ballyfermot where cherry orchard united play was only after the 7th they took the posts down true story

Didn’t they worship the sun first so dunno what’s new about that . And the rain , if you want to worship a 16year old swedish mentally challenged girl that’s your own business.

You’d have to say the club are culpable there.

Child prophets were big business in medieval times.

Did they think it was the goal posts causing the suicides?

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No it was due to homeless ect. Dublin city council did not take them down

Was dublin city council would not remove them

Must have been getting crowded for a finish

Ahh clare leading the way again .Bit out of touch for a young man @Raylan . Perhaps this will open your eyes a bit more and stop making cheap jokes about those poor folks .

Are we keeping score? :man_shrugging:t2:

The Aussie Rules crowd missed a trick here.

Due to homeless the offices are facing where the suicides took place all young women aswell.