
A bridge somewhere put volunteers on it 24/7 who would approach and chat to anyone lingering on the bridge. Suicide rates dropped masssively and most of those people who had an intervention did not go on to commit sucide at a later date (as much as the research could tell). A lot of suicides are a reaction to a life event, a spur of the moment decision, where any intervention from someone else could stop it.

Yeah i read that. Gas ovens were same.

Wexford I think. Huge success

The one I referred to was in the US somewhere (possibly even the Golden Gate bridge), but it’s no surprise the model is copied elsewhere.

Gladwell referenced some study from the Golden Gate bridge, can’t remember the exact figure but essentially the sample of the bones of 1000 people were stopped from jumping as only a small proportion went on to commit suicide after the intervention on the bridge.

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This is the Wexford one.

Have done a huge amount of work for the last 7 or 8 years.

They do the same in Limerick city, a team of volunteers patrols the banks of the river every night. A very noble thing to do.

Not sure how they would deal with terrorists tho on Wexford bridge

cc @Verona_Murphy

They could have just put up a fence.

Don’t do it.

Foyle search and rescue patrol both foyle bridge and Craigavon bridge nightly,and regularly talk ppl down from jumping,saving lots of lives

I think suicide rates could very well go up during this strange time we’re living through.

Got an email today to say a colleague had passed away suddenly. He was involved in email chains etc. as recently as yesterday at work. I wouldn’t have been particularly close with him, but he was an alright sort. I twigged pretty quickly that he had a drink problem (there was a regular whiff of booze off him at work). He had a lovely way of gently antagonising our boss, which I greatly admired. As I said, bar chats at work, I wouldn’t have known the guy that well, but he’d be only my own age and I’m shook after hearing it. RIP.

Keep an eye out for anyone you might think is especially vulnerable at the moment. Maybe a call instead of a message .


Sorry to hear that. Tough. RIP

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The problem is that at times like this, old and some new skeletons start to climb out of the closet leaving people a lot more vulnerable. RIP

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Sorry to hear that. Great advice at the end. Anyone can send a text, pick up the phone instead.

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May he rest in peace . Potentially a tough time

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Sorry to hear that.

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Stay safe guys

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‘Unexplained circumstances’

I’m sorry about that my oul epal.
That’s very sad.

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